Part v - Siblings affair

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Minnette's POV

Jasmine tried to take Ronny from me but he refused and held on tighter to my top. "Let's take him outside", she whispered making me follow her. We ended up in the back where there was a pool area. We sat and she gave me a bottle of milk to feed him. "He's so addicted to you. Aren't you my love", she said tickling his tiny stomach making him giggle then his eyes met mine and he smiled at me.

"You're good with kids", she said making me recall my nieces and nephews. "Having two nieces and three nephews can do that to you", I said as Ronny finished his bottle. He burped in seconds making Jasmine look at me like I grew two heads. "You're amazing. I can't wait to see how you two will be with your babies", she said making me smile. "Maximus loves kids, I bet after seeing you today he'll want a dozen with you", she said with excitement and I smiled.

We heard something break making us rush back inside. We found Amika lifting Max from a broken glass door with his nose bleeding. "You had it coming bro", the man in a fancy suit said while putting on his coat. I gave Ronny to Jasmine, he didn't look happy but I had to attend to my husband.

Max was charging toward his brother making me stand right in front of him. "Get out of the way Nette", he said while panting and his eyes black as night. "No. It's enough, Let's go home", I said pulling him towards the front door.

"Yeah, do what your little mate is telling you, bro. It's what you're good at anyways", the man said pissing me off. I walked back to him and stood right in front of him. "I don't care what your problem is but don't you ever mess with my mate again", I said and when he tried to talk back at me, Zadock and Colton appeared. "What the hell happened here?", Colton asked looking pissed.

"Ask that idiot", Amika said looking bored. Zadock turned to his son with furrowed brows. I'm starting to think the man doesn't know how to smile. "Royce...", he asked. "I made a joke about his human and he insulted me so I hit him", he said as if it was a usual thing. "No you didn't, you called her a whore and he said that's why the moon goddess will never give you a mate and you lost it", Amika said as a matter of fact making Colton hold Royce by the throat in seconds, slamming his back on the wall.

"Don't you ever! Call a woman a whore again, are we clear?", he asked with a terrifying voice that made me tremble. Royce nod his head. He released him, making him fall to the ground and cough rapidly.

"I apologise for ruining your birthday. I just wanted to have my family together. It's been a while", Colton said to me as we walked to our car. Max was walking in front of us. "It's ok. At least I got a friend in Ronny", I teased making him smile. "That you have. You're not what I expected Minnette. I think you and I are going to be great friends", he said then pulled me in a hug while Max opened the car door. Colton gave me his number to talk to him when I needed to and Jasmine's for video calls with Ronny.

The ride home was quiet. I knew Max was still angry. I didn't know what to do. "Are we still in Crystal Fort?", I asked while looking out the window. "Yes", he answered shortly. I saw an open forest and I knew it was where wolves were allowed to go for a run. "Pull over please", i said making him do it with furrowed brows. "Go for a run, I'll wait for you. You need to cool off", I said while getting out of the truck. He did as I suggested and transformed into his wolf. Silver approached me and licked my face making me giggle.

He took off and returned after an hour. "Feeling better babe?", I asked Silver and he nodded his gigantic head while going to his side of the truck. He returned control to Max as they transformed back. He got dressed then got in the car and we went on with the ride.

He looked more relaxed.

"Thank you, I needed that", he said with a smile. "You're welcome", I said with my hand massaging the back of his neck. He purred.

"Here you go love birds", an old guy said while handing us the keys to our motel room. "Thank you", I said then pulled a tired Max along the corridor with me until we reached our room. Even though he was cooperating I could see that he needed a shut eye. I made him take a hot shower, the moment his body hit the sheets he started snoring. I smiled and then covered him with the blanket. I took a shower too then joined him in bed. I kissed his forehead and then switched off the lights. I closed my eyes and gave in to the slumber.

I felt my body being turned so I was on my back. My legs were spread apart and a body hovered over me. I smiled as the sparks started spreading from my armpits to the palm of my hands interlocking our fingers. I opened my eyes and I was face to face with a refreshed Max. He had a huge smile on his face. He kissed my lips without saying a word, I moaned into the kiss as he released my fingers and circled his arms around me. I did the same with his neck. He moved from my lips to my neck and I felt his canines extending making him pull back abruptly. "Shit, I'm sorry", he said with his eyes closed. He was trying to regain control of Silver.

"Why don't you do it?", I asked with my eyes half open. "You don't mean that, it's the bond doing that to you. I'm sorry", he said avoiding my eyes. "I have an idea, you could bite me and use your saliva to heal me", I said forcing his eyes on mine. He was panting and trying to pull away but I held him in place. It was like I felt the need to please him.

"Babe you have to let me go. It's not what you want besides, I won't be able to control myself trust me", he pleaded with his eyes still closed. "What if it's a shallow mark? Like a hikie on my thigh? No one would see it even if you end up losing control... I really want this", I said massaging his scalp while pushing his head down to my core. When he started going down on me, I knew I had won and I was finally going to feel something I had been craving for a very long time, it was not the real thing but it was better than nothing.

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