2. "Factions and Troubles"

Start from the beginning

'The Explorers' - they were not exactly a faction, but they got a name for themselves for basically.. exploring! Every explorer was always on the move and didn't have a place to call 'home' other than Earth itself. They didn't work under a leader and had just a few settlements for the injured explorers in need. They were the most neutral ones in terms of behavior and opinion and aimed to improve only their common knowledge and terrain exploration. They didn't have any rules other than not killing other people, but if needed to, actions should be taken.

These factions grew more and more on a daily basis, creating suspicions amongst people that someone could be a spy, as well as starting small or big rebellious groups that wished to stop the growth of a certain faction.

But in some cases, there were smaller, unknown to the world groups of survivors that simply didn't want anything to do with factions or something like that.

That was the case for Kim Yoohyeon and her little crew of outcasts.

After the traumatizing night 12 years ago, she looked for ways to escape her city, but was almost killed by a group of nine kids, that were in the same unfortunate spot as her - left all alone to survive. Some negotiations and touching words later, the group finally accepted her as one of them after seeing how smart and eligible she was as a member, even a potential leader.

Ever since then, Yoohyeon stuck around the outcasts and formed close friendships with them, becoming a small family of non-blood related brothers and sisters.

They had moved and fought a lot in the past, but now they laid low in a secret base in an abandoned subway in the far suburbs of Seoul. Most people were convinced the zone was swarmed by hordes of infected because of it's warm location, but was actually the safest and cleanest spot in the whole city. And since the group weren't many in numbers, supplies and such were almost not a problem for them. They lived in pure harmony within eachother's company, away from danger.

That was until they found out the  real truth..

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Once every 60 days, a group of three outcasts were sent during the day and another one at night to search for supplies of all kind. Yoohyeon and two other members of her crew, Namhyuk and Jeongyun, were the ones given the night task this time. The three were very experienced in looting during the night and avoiding any threats, so this seemed like yet another good opportunity for the outcasts to survive longer.

"Say Yoohyeon, do you think I'm better at parkour or Namhyuk?" Jeongyun asked silently, earning a chuckle from Yoohyeon and a smack from Namhyuk.

"Nuh-uh, no way you're better than me at parkour. You can't even jump over Chanmin without slamming your crotch on his face. And he's shorter than you!" Namhyuk teased, making both of his friends laugh at his remark, even Jeongyun who was annoyed at first.

"Honestly, I'd say myself or none of you, but both are not an option so I won't answer." Yoohyeon cheekily answered, earning a scoff from both boys. They couldn't lie, Yoohyeon was the fastest and most flexible runner amongst the outcasts, but their pride didn't let them agree with her so easily.

"How about a competition? Whoever jumps furthest will be the new 'Voidwalker' of the team. Deal?" Namhyuk suddenly challenged, earning a thumbs up from Jeongyun and a disapproving glare from Yoohyeon. Their 'Voidwalker' role was made up for fun and was given to the fastest and stealthiest outcast. And obviously, that role was none other than Yoohyeon's.

"We have supplies to look for, you idiots. Stop joking around and focus!" Yoohyeon whisper-shouted, not wanting to attract unnecessary attention.

The boys ignored her words and got in position to take a risky jump from one roof to another. They didn't include Yoohyeon in it since they knew she'd probably jump twice as far than them. They heard Yoohyeon speeding up behind them to stop whatever they were planning to do, so they quickly counted to three and dashed to the edge of the roof.

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