Chapter 4.7-Yoona

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The last several days had been confusing, surprising, joyful, and heartbreaking all at once. I had stopped thinking of ever seeing my children again so I'd not really realized that they would be strangers to me. In many respects they were just as foreign to me as they were to my soulmates but I had the added disadvantage that I couldn't hear them when they spoke, making it even more difficult to draw them near.

My soulmates were beautiful with them. Kind, gentle, careful, loving. Everything I could want in my partners. I knew they treated me well but seeing them interact with the children made me realize just how lucky I was.

Spending time traveling with Jungkook gave me the confidence to fully be all in with my soulmates. Before that I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe they would think I was too difficult, broken, or disruptive. Maybe Hyunjin caused more trouble than I was worth. Maybe they were better without me. My time connected with Jungkook allowed me to see myself through his eyes. While I viewed myself as weak, he viewed me as strong. That moment together allowed me to start to rethink everything. Seeing my kids back at our home completed that. Over the last few days my hopes began to transition from just thinking about the next day to looking forward to a long term future together. I loved each one of my soulmates and I wanted to make sure they understood just how deeply that ran. After everything they had done for me I wanted to repay them in full.

When we got back to the apartment I gave Namjoon a kiss on the check and immediately began to search for another soulmate that I needed to see. Hobi. I'd realized that I needed him. We all needed him. Even though several months ago I blessed him to take whatever path seemed right for him, I knew that now I would be willing to fight for him. He had to stay.

I found him in his room putting away his freshly washed laundry. I politely knocked and waited for him to motion me inside. Rushing over I flung my arms around him pulling him into a tight hug, my cheek resting against his shoulder.

I could feel he was a bit surprised but he gently rubbed my hair, unsure if I was upset and needed comfort or I was just happy to see him. I radiated my happiness through the bond. Pulling back I got up on my toes so I could give him a quick peck of a kiss.

We parted with smiles on both of our faces before drawing close again, this time with a gentler, slower kiss. Hobi walked us backward to his bed, sitting on the edge and inviting me to rest on his lap, hands planted firmly on my hips.

Every kiss sparked our bond and we drew closer together, our emotions blending into one new color. As I kissed him I began to slowly unbutton his shirt, showing him that I wanted to move further.

I could feel his confusion through the bond. Perhaps of everyone Hobi spent the least time being physically close to me. I hadn't noticed it but now I wondered if he was holding back because he wasn't certain if he would stay. I didn't want to force him but I did hope he would allow us to connect.

I wanted to show him how much I desired him, how much I trusted him, and how much I and all of us needed him.

He was hesitant at first. So much so that I became nervous and drew back. I'd had only two experiences in my life where I had taken the lead. The first with Kookie in Japan and the second with Namjoon earlier today. In both my partner was so responsive that there was no confusion on how he felt.

I rested our foreheads together trying to project everything I felt along with a small glimmer of pleading.

Please stay with me.

Please love me.

Please let me show you.

We need you.


Anxiety started to take over, fear that he would reject me. He quickly quieted my concern by returning his lips to mine. With each gentle brush of his lips against mine I melted further into him. I returned my fingers to the buttons on his shirt and began again to work them open one at a time. My hands ran across his strong chest while his hands slid up under my shirt, gently caressing my back with his long fingers.

It didn't take long for our clothes to be largely discarded on the floor, finally revealed fully as ourselves. His hands explored over my chest and along my hips and thighs as I ran my fingers through his hair, eventually settling around his neck.

He laid me back on the bed, pausing to hover over me, making eye contact to ensure that I really wanted to move forward. I nodded yes and reached around his neck again to pull him closer, once again tangling our tongues together.

He reached down to line us up together and slid in with one strong glide of his hips. He paused, reconnecting our foreheads as we melded into one in both body and soul. I grasped his arms wanting to show him everything.

I showed him my fear that I could never be a good enough mother, that the children would never fully embrace me, that my hearing loss and anxiety would keep me from being what the children needed.

Then I showed him how I thought he was exactly what all of us needed. He was the perfect father, the perfect soulmate, the perfect friend. I would do anything to keep from losing him.

He could see everything, hear everything as we communicated through our bond.

He shared with me in return. He shared how afraid he was that I would never fully accept him because he was scared to commit at first. He shared the love he already had for the boys and the hopes he placed on them to allow him to be a father. Finally he shared a promise. He would stay if we would accept him fully.

Tears flowed from both of our eyes as we shared our hopes and dreams, making new commitments to each other. I finally felt like I could exhale. This was a missing puzzle piece but with this one firmly back in place I felt I could start to really see a future that was fully good.

Returning to kiss me he began to gently slide in and out, in and out. The entire time he stayed fully focused on connecting through the bond ensuring that I was relaxed, comfortable, and fully enjoying myself. He showed me many erotic visions of things he hoped we might do in the future. As if being covered with his strong and capable body wasn't enough, the pictures he shared had me utterly aroused and already looking forward to the next time we would couple together.

He brought both of us to our high together. Each grind brought us closer to completion and caused me to whisper out his name. We both crashed over the edge together, basking in our physical and soul connected euphoria.

I refused to leave Hobi's side that night. Jin eventually peaked into the room and found me wrapped up in Hobi, skin still pressed tight together as I lay in his arms. He reached out for me but shook my head no. I didn't want to be away from my Hobi even for a moment.

I felt Hobi's chest rumble in laughter. I could feel his chest vibrate as he talked to Jim but I didn't care to find out the message. As long as we were together, that was all I needed at that moment.

That night Hobi and I were drawn back to each other throughout the night. He began to show me some of the ways we could explore our intimacy together and he brought me pleasure in ways I'd never even imagined.

I knew one thing for sure, I was never ever going to let him go.

The Wrong Soulmate (BTS OT7)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα