Chapter 2.7-Jungkook

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Four years after Yoona left

I don't think I'll ever stop being filled with regret that I never bonded with Yoona. I trusted my soulmates to take care of that for me, just like everything else. And I know now that was wrong.

My soulmates basically raised me, always babying me and treating me like I was so special. I appreciated that too much, but now I know that I need to be strong on my own. I leaned on them too much and never got over my own fears because I never had to confront challenges. I had allowed myself to stay a kid and had never really become a man.

After I'd gotten over the initial distress of Yoona's departure and my soul group's disintegration I decided to channel my anger to become a better person. Someone I was proud of, not just the baby that someone else was proud of. So I'd begun working out more and becoming more independent. I threw myself into learning new skills and hobbies and I allowed myself to make my own decisions, like getting a motorcycle. While I still appreciated my Hyung's advice, it no longer ruled me. If I was going to be on my own, I needed to take care of myself. So I did what it took to make that happen.

I made myself ready to turn the page to the next chapter of my life.

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