Chapter 3.4-Yoongi

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We were all sitting in the living room when Jin finally returned with Yoona. He was carrying her like a toddler, covered up with a blanket. I could see he was trying to hold back his own tears. As he came into the room JK jumped up to take Yoona from him, but Jin refused with a watery smile, clearly not wanting to part with the girl.

Jin sat on the last remaining chair and I could see he was doing everything in his power to keep his emotions in check while we were bombarding him with questions.

"Is everything ok?"

"What's wrong?"

"Is there a problem?"

Eventually the doctor followed him into the room with the supplies to reattach Yoona to the IV she'd had earlier. We settled to watch her work. The doctor offered a silent look at Jin, who nodded his head in response, prompting her to speak.

"Yoona is quite underweight, it looks like she hasn't been eating well for a while so we're going to need to work to begin to resolve that immediately. She has some cuts and bruises, but nothing serious at the moment. Although it looks like she might have had some more serious injuries in the past they are largely healed. I've heard that she was pregnant when she left you, it looks like she had a c-section to deliver the baby. From my quick look at the scar it appears she may have had more than one, but it's a bit hard to tell."

Here the doctor took another pause as she looked at Jin again, who was clearly becoming even more emotional.

With a sigh she continued. "I do not think Yoona is able to hear. I'm not sure why her hearing is lost. She was extremely opposed to either of us even getting close to her ears, let alone touching them. I gather from Jin that this is a newer development, but it's hard to know much more until Yoona tells us what's happened over the last few years."

"How can you be sure?" I interrupted. People don't become deaf overnight and Yoona most distinctly was not deaf when she left us. "Is this just temporary? It must be right?"

"I don't think we are going to be able to answer that today. Based on what I've seen I don't think this happened yesterday just from being outside in the cold rain. If she was newly deaf I think she would find it more startling and we'd see more reactions from her about it. It seems to me that she is aware of the situation if that makes any sense."

"Ok doctor, so what do we need to do now? How do we get Yoona back to being fully healthy again?" Talking about what was wrong was one thing, but we needed a plan to get things back on track. Yoona was with us now, and at least for my part I was willing to invest whatever was required to help her get back in shape.

"I think you're going to find there is a bit of a long road to recovery, so I want to make sure you are all aware of that. I think the lack of nutrition has caused her muscles to become very weak. Honestly I'm not sure she'd be able to stand on her own right now. She's probably going to need some physical therapy over time to help her regain her strength and she's going to need a lot of support in the meantime. But at the moment I'd just prioritize her nutrition and helping her become more comfortable so she'll start to communicate more. Clearly she's been through a traumatic event. Using your soul bond may be able to help improve both her physical and emotional wellbeing. In some respects she's lucky to have so many soulmates in her group since it offers more options to support her in this way."

"In the meantime, starting to eat again after lack of access to food can be both physically and psychologically challenging. Normally I'd encourage you to admit Yoona to the hospital until she is in better condition, but I expect you aren't really open to that."

I violently shook my head no. Yoona needed to be here with me, with us, at our home.

"Then I'll stop by twice a day to check on Yoona and I'll give you very specific signs to watch for and call me if you see any symptoms of complications. In the meantime very small meals are best, you might start with just a few bites with longer breaks in between and work your way up. And definitely make sure she's drinking, ideally a sports drink with electrolytes. Even small sips are good to get started. Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I'll plan to stop by at 8 each morning and evening to check on her."

We all thanked the doctor, relieved to have her insights and guidance. At the same time I recognized that this was going to be a lot of intentional effort, and we didn't have the best track record of working together right now.

I looked each of my soulmates in the eyes. "I know things have been difficult but I think we have to agree that we're going to put our differences behind us for a bit. Right now Yoona is going to need all of us working together to get healthy. I'm committed to doing that but ask everyone else to make that same commitment. Can you do that?"

Each person looked around and nodded their head.

"Ok then, I need to go and get some things so I can stay at the dorm. Jiminie and Hobi, you might want to do the same."

If we thought getting Yoona comfortable with our group was going to be difficult before, this was going to be even harder. But I hoped that we could overcome our differences at least for a little while. We were going to need to if we wanted to make this work.

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