He caught sight of the time on the wall clock in his office: 8:17 PM.

'Would she be sleeping ' He wondered 

'Namjoon if you want to clear things between you and your crush ......you need to call her right now!' 

His subconscious mind scolded him .... but provided him the sound advise 

He muttered a small 'fuck it' and dialed the number 

[Y-Y/N... can we talk?> 

"Namjoon...." you nodded in acknowledgement as soon you saw him coming out of his car ....

You had to cancel your uber ...because a certain person demanded your time ...to have a talk with you .... You were getting late and your brother would nearly eat you alive if you were even more late for home

You have no idea why you still gave Namjoon a chance to talk ...perhaps it is about the case? 

"We can sit in my car...if you...w-want" 

Recently, you've noticed that he's been acting uneasy around you. Why is that?

Are you looking like those dangerous grandmas at the age of 27?

You sighed and opened the door to passenger seat and rested your back 

"How is Hyuk sir and .... your sister-in-law?" 

The car was awkward all of sudden, just when you took a seat ...so, to lighten off some heavy air ...you asked about his family's whereabouts 

You were close to Hyuk sir ...but not Seokjin's wife ...so, you preferred addressing her with formality ...

"Dad is fine now, still in hospital...and about Jieun Nonna...she gave birth to a boy and got home this evening " 

He summarized quickly like he wanted to get to the main topic 

"Oh Great ...I will be meeting him tomorrow, OfCourse if that's fine with you .." 

Namjoon snapped his neck towards you stared at you in disbelief ....

"You can meet him anytime you want ...Y/N ..."

"Hmm...anyway I have to go my brother-" you scrambled in your seat to move out of car ...out of sudden you wanted to escape Namjoon

"Y/N" He held your wrist softly

"I-I told you I want to have a talk with you..." 

You sat again, with your hands clasped on your lap ...

"Say" you looked at him 

"I am sorry..." 

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion ...making Namjoon more ...nervous than ever

"I am sorry for what I said to you today ...in courtroom" he asserted softly and glanced at you with ...doe eyes? 

This was strange for you ...like very strange, you never calculated Namjoon to be apologizing to you after all he said 

"That's not a big deal, Lawyers have feuds in courtroom, it was nothing new for me..." 

You smiled stiffly; obviously lying because it was new to you .... but at this moment ...you just played it cool in front of him 

Not an hour ago, you were sitting in your bathroom over-thinking the fact ...why would Namjoon say that to you. ...but Namjoon doesn't need to know does he? 

"It is a big deal Y/N ...I have no right to call you that...but hear me out I have no other option ... H-He could've harm you- "

"Why do You care?" you looked straight in his eyes ......with calmness

We Met Again ~ KNJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now