𝟐𝟐┋𝐀 ''𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝'' 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠『🍋』

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Sonic was talking on the phone with his mother, wanting to make plans to see her again. "Hey ma, I was thinking that maybe we can make some plans for tonight, for just me, you, Sonia, Manic, and Shadow, I want us 5 to be together tonight" Sonic said as he was still on the phone. "Alright ma, how about we have dinner at our place? Shadow can cook dinner for all of us, he wouldn't mind, he loves cooking, what do you say? You will? Wonderful, see you there ma, love you, bye" Sonic said as he hung up his phone and had a smile on his face.

~Later At Night~

Sonic was setting up the table for his family to come and have dinner at their house. Shadow on the other hand was cooking dinner for Sonic, himself, and his family. After a few seconds went by, a doorbell ringing was heard, Sonic walking to the door and opening it. "Hello Sonic, I am so glad to see you again!" Aleena said as she hugged her son. "Hi ma, I am so glad to see you too, please come in, Shadow is almost finished with dinner" Sonic said as he stopped hugging his mother and allowed them to walk inside the house, Sonic closing the door once all three were inside, locking the door and smiling.

"Oh my poor baby, what happened to your belly? It looks bigger?" Aleena said as she rubbed his back. "Ma, I am fine, I promise, but right now, go to the living room and sit down, you must have had a little of a long drive to get here" Sonic said as he sits down and smiles. Aleena, Sonia, and Manic sat down on the couch and they looked at Sonic. "So, how are things going baby?" Aleena asked. "Oh, things are going wonderfully, why do you asked?" Sonic said as he hides the ring from his mom so she can see it at dinner to see her reaction.

"Because I care about my baby, that is why I asked" Aleena said with a smile. Sonic smiled as Shadow was almost finished, taking out a pan from the oven, revealing a pan-roasted chicken he made. Along with the pan-roasted chicken, he made roasted potatoes with rosemary, steamed veggies, and a small bowl of garlic confit he made, turning off the oven and stove finally as he starts to wipe the sweat off of his forehead, knowing he was finally done with 3 hours in the kitchen. "And there, one main meal, 2 sides, and a little bit of a flavor enhancer, all done" Shadow said to himself as he takes off his apron that says "Kiss The Ultimate Chef Motherfucker" written on it as he sets it down in its place and taking a break out there to see Sonic's family.

"Aye! There he is! Sup man?! How are you doing?!" Manic said. "Doing well, thank you" Shadow said as he exhaled a bit from the sweat coming back as he wipes his forehead again. "Dang Shadow, you sweating like if you were in the sun for 15 minutes without hydration! You sure you okay?" Sonia asked. "Yeah, I am fine, I am used to it by now" Shadow said as he sits down and relaxed for a bit, waiting for the chicken to fully rest before he cuts it. "I know Shadow, cooking is rather time-consuming, believe me, but being finished with your full meal is very rewarding" Aleena said as she smiled softly at him.

"Thank you, your words and concern are very kind, I appreciate you caring about me Aleena, and you too Manic and Sonia" Shadow said as he regulates his breathing from having too much steam in his face. "Shadow is really good at cooking mom, I would love you to try it, Sonia and Manic already did, but, you are the only one who didn't get to try his amazing culinary food" Sonic said with a giggle. "I would be honored to try your food Shadow, I hope it is as I heard from Sonia and Manic, if they like it, then I will like it too regardless" Aleena said with a heartwarming smile, making Shadow chuckle a bit.

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