You're Just As Much of a Man As Us

Start from the beginning

He passed extremely well as a male, his mother told him. But he couldn't help but feel like he still looked like a girl. He stared at himself in the mirror for hours on end, trying to convince himself that nobody could tell. But it was hard to do that when his hips took on a distinct feminine shape, and his chest was a little bigger it should have been. He was blessed with small boobs, so wearing a binder made his chest look flat. Still, he wore baggy t-shirts.

Now, from where he was, out shopping years after meeting his two best friends, he felt a little guilty for not telling them the truth. They'd been friends for so long though, and he was worried that they wouldn't be accepting of him if they knew that he used to be a girl and had transitioned.

He had so many friendships in the past that he thought would last forever, only to be ruined when he finally told them that he was transgender.

"I like this one" Remus said, picking up the black dildo, "what do you guys think?"

"I dunno. The green one looks pretty sick" Janus joked.

"Guys!" Patton whisper-yelled, clearly embarrassed as he glanced around to make sure nobody was looking, "that is so gross!"

"Ah, Patton. Ever the hopeless virgin" Remus sighed, putting down the dildo.

"Let's go look at something else!" Patton said quickly, not bothering to defend himself from Remus's comment, "come on, there's a sale going in a few isles away! Forty percent off anything worth more than twenty five dollars, wow!"

"Patton, the only reason they're doing that sale is because all the items are crappy, nobody will buy them at full price because it isn't worth it, and they need to get them off the shelf for newer, better quality items" Remus said blankly.

"Oh, Remus! Ever the pessimist" he teased, "come on, let's get going!"


They shopped for maybe thirty more minutes before Janus felt a dull ache in his bladder. He sighed, hating using public bathrooms. He always felt way too afraid to go into the mens, for the fear that someone would make a comment or tell him that he wasn't a real man.

Then again, going into the women's was equally worse because it reminded him that he was born in the wrong body. That he would never truly be a man because he would never have what they did. He hated when his mind told him these things.

Another problem with going into the women's is that his friends could see him going in there, or the ladies in the bathroom would scream and call him a creep, because he really did pass well.

Usually all he had to do to calm the women down was to quickly pull the collar of his shirt to the side to show them his binder strap, or pull his t-shirt closer to his body to expose the fact that he was covering up his breasts.

And he hated doing that, because it made his throat feel all dry and closed up, and made his eyes water as if he was going to cry. Because when he fid that, he was struck with the crushing realization that all of the women in that bathroom now viewed him as a woman.

And sometimes, when he looked in the mirror, he felt the dysphoria, he heard the comments of others banging around in his brain, and he couldn't help but feel the same.

He shook his head and tried to get rid of the bad thoughts. No. He was not a woman. He did not view himself that way, he hadn't since fifth grade.

He really didn't want to have to deal with using the bathroom, but he knew that if he didn't go, it would just cause him to become grumpy and snappy, and he didn't want to upset his friends.

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