Fantasy yay

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A/n: in case you guys don't read the prompts this is a fantasy au where Janus is half snake and everybody else is human

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A/n: in case you guys don't read the prompts this is a fantasy au where Janus is half snake and everybody else is human.

Also I forgot who requested this but I have an inkling as to who it was,,, urdadlolz123 I think it was you. I think can just tell by the wording😭😭If it isn't, then this is kinda embarrassing,,, lmao

And i'm pretty sure it was, so I AM SO SORRY BESTIE THIS TOOK LIKE A WHOLE MONTH 😭💀

How five normal people became best friends with a half snake half human hybrid was beyond them all, especially since hybrids were usually seen as freaks of nature, but hey there they were.

It was probably even harder for Janus's parents—his mother was a snake monster, his father a human. Those types of couples were usually frowned upon, but it was a burning love that neither could get rid of despite the social problems that came along.

Janus just counted himself as lucky to have even found a good group of friends. Ones who weren't ashamed to go out with him in public, to stand up for him, and to invite him over when they had parties.

Now, they were at the pool. Everybody except for Roman was swimming, as always and Janus had always just figured that he was afraid of water, or couldn't swim or something like that. He didn't notice the faint crinkle sound, or at least, didn't think much of it, that happened when Roman sat down in his pool chair.

Remus and Virgil started splashing each other as soon as their bodies hit the water, and Logan was trying to impress Patton with his epic swimming moves, while Patton attempted to impress Logan with his doggy paddle.

They swam for a few minutes before Patton let out a blood-curdling scream.

"What?!" Virgil asked, his face serious, a stark contrast from how he had been acting seconds ago with Remus, "are you okay?!"

"T—there's a snake!" Patton wailed.

Everybody tensed up and glanced at Janus, who just rolled his eyes. He wished his friends weren't so awkward about the topic of him being half snake, but he had to admit he liked how afraid they got, it was amusing.

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