28. This Cannot Be Happening

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The days passed again and still the fear of Jacob destroying one of my friends kept me quiet. I acted as if nothing was wrong, but he still seemed to have his suspicions.

My Cullen family was out about in Italy trying to get the necessary items for my twin's arrival. Jacob, Leah, Seth, and Embry stayed behind to protect me from our hosts.

Embry and Seth did a good job keeping Jake off my back, and Leah explaining to them what had happened. They were pissed off, but not willing to injure Leah for something she didn't do. After much talking they finally found it in themselves to forgive me for something I didn't do on purpose.

My belly had gotten too big for me to move, but I decided that keeping my legs strong would be best for the delivery. Grandpa did an ultrasound before he left, and one of my twins was already in position to join our world. The other was still at an angle, but making its way.

I went for a walk in the garden as usual. I couldn't stay away long, I loved this place. In a way it reminded me of the pine trees back at home. Leah was at my side like always these past days.

"How come you haven't been with the Volturi lately?" I started the conversation.

"I don't know, they haven't called us, but I don't care. They just ask us questions that we don't know the answers to or don't want to answer, then ask us to phase as if it was a trick. They disgust me."

I giggled a little. "What about the others?"

"Embry doesn't mind that much, he thinks that they're scared and want to know their enemies better. Jacob thinks it's a way to repay the fact they didn't kill you."

"That's interesting." I made a sarcastic face.

"Where's your Alec?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen Jane either."

"He's lucky Jake hasn't found him."

"What do you think they're doing? The guys and Jacob I mean."

"I don't know maybe off on a run."

"Run?" I was alarmed.

"What? They won't say anything."

"Jacob is the Alpha he can make them say everything."

"I doubt it."

The air was crisp and fresh clouds kept the sun hidden, but it was a pleasant day to be outdoors, I felt another presence among us and apparently so had Leah. She tensed putting her arm around my waist just in case she had to carry me.

"Show yourself." She warned.

From behind an apple tree Alec emerged. "Sorry to have disturbed you."

"Alec." I greeted. "You don't have to hide from me."

"Hiding? I haven't been hiding I left Volterra on an errand."

"You should really be hiding though specially after your stupid request."

"Leah." I pleaded.

"What? He knows what he did wrong." She kept her eyes on Alec. "And just wait until Jacob finds out he's going to tear your head off."

"I know I made a mistake in asking for such, but I couldn't help myself. Renesmee is...truly a great woman."

"Yeah pal, but guess what? She's married and pregnant! But since you think you're a hotshot you had to kiss her didn't you?!?"

"My apologies, but I believe this is none of your business."

"Why you-"

"Stop!!! Leah I explained everything to you, just let it go."

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