22. Darn Parasites

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"So what do we do?" Felix one of the body guards asked Aro.

Jane had led me all the way to Volterra. First we walked to Milan where they originally were. Apparently there was some rumor about suspicious activities there. Once they came up blank they checked the forest finding me and Jacob.

Caius and Marcus had discussed that keeping me was a waste of time. While Aro insisted that I should join them for a while.

I was surprised that none had questioned my ability. Felix and Demetri were irritated, Jane seemed mad that I was the topic of the Volturi's disagreement, and Alec just stood there looking at me with interest.

"What is it that you want?" Aro suddenly asked me.

His question caught me off guard, but I had to find my voice to answer him.

"I just want to go home." I seemed stupid to say the obvious, but I might as well give them the truth.

"I'm afraid that home isn't an option my dear child."

"Then I have no choice, but to stay here...That is until my family comes for me."

All of the royals focused on me now, their curiosity's getting the best of them.

"Isabella and Edward, it would be nice to see them again." Aro smiled.

That was my last straw. I flowed a memory this instant, trying to save my freedom one more time. I showed them my parents, my aunts, my grandparent's and my in-laws everyone at my wedding with Jacob. I emphasized how happy everyone was. How happy I was that I had a family waiting for me. I concluded my memory by having everyone hug me.

"Amazing." Caius was amused.

"I see you have a wonderful gift. Just perfect." Aro spoke with a smile. "There's no doubt now that you must stay."

"Even if that were so what do we do with the others?" Marcus asked.

"They're at a disadvantage if they come here."

"Yes, because there's nothing suspicious about the cracking of marvel coming from such a beautiful palace." I cut in.

"Or we may just eliminate you and the others, so many of you have caused us problems might as well get you out of the way." Caius spoke again.

"Look you blonde parasite if you want to avoid so many problems just kill me now and leave the rest alone, either that or release me!" I lost my temper.

I knew what just came out of my mouth was stupid. Not only would they consider killing me, but also my family. My self-control was leaving me, and I had no answer for why.

"Jane, teach this brat some manners." Caius ordered.

Jane looked at me, and the burning sensation began. The consuming flames became stronger as the moments passed by. Then sharp needles stabbed me in every part of my body.

I shrieked once, I started thinking of something that could be far stronger that any physical pain imaginable. I came up blank. Another surge of pain came. If only I was home with Jacob. The pain it caused me to leave him, to be away from him and his warmth. I felt his memory tear my heart to shreds. The fire consuming my body was nothing compared to seeing the tears on Jacob's face.

"There's no point, Jane stop." Marcus instructed.

I felt the flames disappear, but I froze focusing on Jacob's last embrace on me.

"Master?" Jane was confused.

"She can't feel the pain you're inflicting. The love she has for the shape shifter is stronger than your power." He explained. "She inherited that from her mother, the way to love, to keep a love strong no matter how difficult the battle." He fell silent thinking. "It's best to release her Aro. That is, unless you have a necessity for her. I believe there's no more we can do." The royal ancient stood and walked out of the room.

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