15. So Much to Learn, So Much Time, but I Want to Learn It Now

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"Leah, are you sure?" Dad's voice was ringing in my ear.

I was lying down. Apparently I was still on the couch. I tried to open my eyelids, but they seemed to weigh a ton, so I kept them shut. Not only were my eyes paralyzed, but so was my body.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Leah was annoyed. "She was practicing and she let go of my hand and the memory kept flowing, after that she tried to stand up and fainted."

"She flowed a memory without touching you?" Grandpa Carlisle was still amazed.

"Yes, she did, she did it!"

"Renesmee is controlling her gift more and more." Mom's heart was happy. "Edward what if the Volturi find out?"

"Don't worry Love, they won't. None of them have been here since the last incident, I doubt they'll come any time soon."

"I wouldn't be so sure Edward, the Volturi have their ways to find things like this. We'll just have to make sure we keep it quiet." Grandpa corrected.

"If I were them I would stay in Volterra. They know we will fight, and so will the wolves." Dad stated.

"Perhaps, but just to stay on the safe side we'll keep it quiet."

"I think you're right Carlisle, we'll just keep it quiet." Mom agreed.

"Did you tell Jacob?" Dad asked again.

"No he's with Sam, and I thought it was best not to distract him." Leah responded.

"Good, we don't need him worrying."

"Is Renesmee going to be ok?" Mom asked.

"Fine, just needs to get her energy back. Flowing a memory without contact would be too much for her body to handle. I'm amazed she even did it, I thought it would be decades before she got to this point." Grandpa answered.

"I didn't even think it was going to be possible." Dad confessed.

"I didn't either, I thought she would get to the point of holding someone's hand and that's it." Mom added.

"Yes, at first I thought so too, but after doing some research I came to find that with great effort it was possible for our abilities to reach others without contact, for example you Bella. Your shield was possible to spread thanks to the effort you made for Edward's sake. My guess is that Renesmee has a really good motivation in order to push herself this far."

Grandpa was right. There was a motivation for me to master my gift and the reason for it was the Volturi. I hated them and the fact that with one touch Aro could read my mind, angered me. I needed to learn to control my ability so whenever the need to face them came, I could show him whatever I wanted not the other way around. I wasn't willing to give my mind over to some lunatic just because he wants to make sure I told the truth. I needed to master my gift to use it as a shield in case my parents or Jacob could not protect me.

I started to get conscious I could feel my mind headed back to my brain. I felt my eyelids get lighter, and managed to get them off my eyes.

The lights were dim, so it wasn't difficult to see the bodies around me. Leah, Grandpa, Mom, and Dad were here wondering whether I would be okay or not.

"I did it." Was all I could manage.   

"You gave us a scare, but you did it." Leah told me.

"I sat up, letting grandpa hold my back just in case I fell back.

"How are you feeling?" Mom asked me with a tender voice.

"Fine, still a little dizzy, but fine."

"What were you thinking Renesmee?" Dad whispered being careful not to yell.

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