20. Finally the I Do's

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Mom was right. The day of my wedding had finally arrived. I awoke today and took a shower, but before I walked out of the bathroom my aunts showed up and kidnapped me.

"Oh Renesmee it's finally the big day!" Aunt Alice was all over the place.

"I can't wait for your dress." Aunt Rosalie chimed.

"First your hair."

"Of course, Alice do you need the book or are-"

"Don't offend me Rose, I have the perfect hairdo."

"If you guys are here, where's Jacob?" I cut in.

"Don't worry sweetie Emmett has all of those mongrels under control."

"Rosalie don't call them names you know how Nessie gets."

"Thanks Aunt Alice."

"No problem, now hold still."

My aunt Alice worked on my hair while Aunt Rosalie did my make-up. Both of them were too excited to notice how nervous I felt. Their chiming voices were fainter, and fainter as I spaced out into my reflection on the mirror.

I let my mind wander as I relaxed myself with Jacob. The many times Jacob and I spent together. None will compare to the first one though.

As my aunt cradled me in her arms I felt footsteps shake the room. My aunt spun facing the person that had startled her. His face full of rage had melted to an indescribable expression. Before I knew what was going on his blazing arms were around me. I enjoyed his warm body therefore I didn't fret.

One thing that I also noticed was how tender his embrace was, so full of love just like my parents. Jacob's embrace however seemed more natural and just right. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. My aunt got a little upset after seeing this, but didn't argue with my wishes. I realized I loved Jacob, and loved everything about him even though sometimes he lost his temper with my aunt. Mom didn't approve either, but look at us now, we're getting married.

"Renesmee you look...absolutely beautiful." Mom had walked in, and took a seat next to me.

I took a moment to admire myself before I made a remark. My bruised eyelids had now aqua eye shadow with blue outlining my eye, my eyelashes seemed longer, and my stained cheeks were under a layer of blush along with my lips that had a darker color to them. My hair had been held all the way up with the exception of some curls at the back. A tiara had been placed between my forehead, and the bunch of hair. It was thin, but really divided my head and made my face stand out. The veil reached all the way down my spine.

"I look so pretty." I winced at my reflection briefly.

"Oh Renesmee you've always been pretty." Aunt Alice assured.

"Of course Renesmee, I just had to bring out your best beauty especially for today." Aunt Rosalie flattered me.

"Thanks Aunt Rose."

"Now, time for your dress."

"I know you're going to love it, come on." Aunt Alice pulled my hand and stopped in front of the mannequin that wore my dress.

I was in shock. I never thought something made of material could look so spectacular. If had a dream wedding dress this one would be it. It was all white, the upper half was a corset the heart portrait neck hugged my shoulders, the diamond embroidery designs made lines in the front. The flowery designs went all the way down to the gown. It wasn't overly puffy, but long enough to let the back unify with the train.

"Well did we do a good job or what?" Aunt Alice was excited and anxious.

"It's...perfect." I answered her.

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