21. Honeymoon?

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"Where do you think we're going?" I asked Jacob.

I was a bit alarmed. This road the limo was taking had nothing to do with the airport. Had Aunt Rosalie really put us in the middle of nowhere?

"I don't know, but sleepless beauty really thought about this. It's going to be cold place, does the envelope say anything?"

"No, we're not supposed to open it until we're on the plane."

"She really enjoys making my life miserable."

"Jacob that's not true."

"It seems like it."

"What about me?"

"You make my life better. You're like the sunlight and are essential for my eternity. My eternal sunlight forever." After his statement he joined our lips.

"Your plane awaits Mr. and Mrs. Black." The driver informed us.

Jake and I both had a confused expression. Once out of the limo we understood what was going on. A jet waited for us along with the captains and flight attendants.

"Guess the ice-cold Barbie doesn't hate me after all." Jacob whispered.

"Mr. and Mrs. Black, congratulations." One of the pilots announced. "If you can take your seats we will depart shortly." He climbed up the stairs his crew following behind.

They had gotten our bags, so we hurried onto the jet. It was very luxurious and the flight attendants were really nice and attentive to our every need.

"Attention passengers we will depart shortly please take your seats." Came out of the intercom.

The engines roared as they came to life. Soon the jet was in the air. The sky was black outside the window, and only the stars accompanied us as we gained altitude.

"Now can you open the envelope?" Jacob was impatient.

"Alright." I opened the letter revealing my aunt's words.

Dear Renesmee,

Since you opened this, it means that you're on your way to Switzerland. I decided that the ideal place for you is Heiligdreuz by the Lengtalwasser river. Once you land there should be a guide that will take you to the cottage I bought a few years back.

I really hope you two have a good time, and enjoy each other's warmth in a cold place. I've been told that there should be plenty of wildlife nearby for you to hunt if needed. It's supposed to be a great and beautiful spot for you.

Take as long as you like, and take care.

My best wishes,

Aunt Rosalie

"How nice of Rosalie to do this for us." Jacob read with me.

"I agree."

"Are you tired?"

"A little." I admitted.

"Rest up then, I'll wake you up when we land." He promised.

I laid my head on his warm chest and closed my eyes.

He started humming the lullaby that he sung to me a couple times.

I let the rumble of the rhythm carry me to my dreams.

I felt violent shaking and opened my eyes. Instinctively I looked outside the window. I could see the concrete runway with snow and trees around.

"We're here." Jacob let me know.

"I noticed."

The jet came to a halt and the attendants came by to see if we needed anything else. Once we disproved her she led us off to the airport. It was warmer than the plane. It must have been because of all the bodies in here.

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