14. School May Lead to Friends or Lunch

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"Good morning sleepy head, get up or else we won't make it to school." I whispered in Jacob's ear.

He groaned as he stretched out. "What time is it?"

"Six-thirty, get up that way you have time to get breakfast."

Our eyes met for the first time this morning.

"You're done getting dressed already?" He asked me.

"Yep, Aunt Alice called me at Six-o'clock to get my wardrobe for today."

"Wow, Shorty has no self-control. It seems like you're her life-size Barbie."

"Yeah, but at least she got us a present for waking us so early."

Jacob's forehead creased. "Present?"

"Yep." I handed Jake a box wrapped in blue paper.

With a quick tear the blue paper was gone revealing a white box. His fingers quickly ripped that off too. Finally he got what was inside. "A phone?"

"Not just any phone." I encouraged him to look at it.

"Wow, these aren't even out yet." He admired the cell phone my aunt got him. "This is really nice, guess I have to thank the fortune teller when I see her."

"All the Cullen's numbers are in the contacts." I explained. "Now get up before we're late."

I walked out of the room to the kitchen and started breakfast. I didn't get much started since my brand-new phone buzzed in my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Renesmee are you out yet? You know your mom's going to get upset if you don't get over here and say 'bye'." My Aunt Alice was on the other line.

"Jacob just got up and I'm making breakfast. By the way he loved your gift."

"I had a feeling he would. Now forget breakfast just get over here. Rosalie is also getting impatient."

"Alright we'll be there as soon as we can."

"Alright, tell your doggie to hurry up."

The line went dead. I hated it when they hung up like that.

I turned around to see Jacob playing with his new toy on the table.

He was wearing some lose jeans with the brown shirt I had bought him and black sneakers.

"Where's the food?" He asked looking up.

"Change of plans, mom wants to see us. We have to go to the Cullen house." I informed him.

He sighed. "Fine, let's go." Jacob grabbed his black backpack and handed me my gray one.

"Thanks." I said at the gesture.

We both slung the backpacks on our backs going out the door. Once the door was locked we ran towards the Cullen house.

The wind blew my curls back as my coat blocked most of the chilly air. Our feet pushed back the moldy, wet leaves as we propelled forward. My scarf hung to one side the ends blowing behind me. I felt as the leather of my boots tightened and loosened on my calves.

The big glass house came into view and we ran to the door. I opened the door and walked in. Jacob's fingers tangled with mine before we got to the kitchen.

"Renesmee you look lovely." Aunt Alice complimented her work.

"Learned from the best." I answered.

"You better be careful mongrel. Someone may want to take a closer look at her." Aunt Rose warned.

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