Chapter 23 - A forced respite

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The angel's was in thoughts rubbing the hands of her knight vessel.

Angel-"So. That Noelle will surely be an issue as we move on. We can't decide to bring her here in the citadel... and we can't just like kill her in the Light World like this because she was influenced by Kris.

Susie, do you think she may listen to you? I think love is stronger than hate, but does she likes you? If I can ask?"

Susie blush a little.

Susie-"After the cyber world she was curious if i had a lizard tail... she already offered me a gift in school... we talked in a Ferris wheel...."

Player-"Wow! yup I think there is something."

Angel-"Hmm. Perfect. What about this? It is risky, but I want you, to venture in the next world, but taking noelle with you, away from Kris. I say, it is risky because it is letting Kris with Ralsei."

Susie-"Ralsei? He is full of fluffiness ya know! He never gonna hit anything! He were the one bothering me with being pacifist in the dark worlds!"

Gerson-"Don't underestimate corruption. The entity in control of Kris will not stop here."

Susie-"Ok so we do that? And..."

Out of nowhere Roulxs Kaard joined.

Roulxs Kaard - "Helllooooooo Worms. What are thou speaketh of?"

Player - "Where were you lastly? It is like, two dark worlds we haven't seen you!"

Roulxs Kaard  -"I wast busy... with a magnificient queene in the castle of that little Dark Prince."

Player- "Another reveal? You are all in love it is unbelievable... Hmm, she is nice?"

Roulxs Kaard  - "Beautiful. She ist amazing and I loseth myself looking into her visor eyes... and blue suit..."

Gerson-"Oh so it is just Queen? From cyber world? Oh! Hmm nice for you?"

Roulxs Kaard -"Yeseth. So, what are thou speaking of?"

Angel-"You are here at the good moment. We need someone to check on Kris and Ralsei in the next dark world. Can you do this?"

Roulxs Kaard -"Hmm. Absolutely! I will maketh experience even more difficult games and challenges! Yes. I canst look at them."

Anima-"I can... can I help too?"

I was pondering.

Player- "Maybe we can take Anima with us? She has a lot of knowledge and may be useful? But we have to know, where is the next dark world?"

The Angel looked at the place noticing the absence of the moon light beam.

Angel-"Well it is a forced rest for everyone. The portal isn't open. So. Let's help our guests to install themselves comfortably."

The Angel left her knight body to return to her divine form, it was annoying to walk for too long. She looked at everyone with hope and care, all the citizens that Anima brought from the Chroma world.

Bishop arrive running from the back.

Bishop-"Hehe. I knew you will succeed!!!! Anima!!!"

Both hug each others before bishop continue.

Bishop-"Tapster... where he is?"

Tear came down from anima venician mask.

Anima-"I'm sorry."

Delta Memory - Deltarune AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang