Chapter 12 - A Second Chance

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Spamton-"I'M..... M M... MM .... NOT GONNA ... BE THE [[Little Sponge]] CRYING IN THE .....  T......  GARB.... [[Hyperlink Blocked]] AGAIN!"

Gerson-"Are you okay little guy?"

Spamton-"I WAS.....  WAS..... THE [[Biggest]]. WHY [[Angel]] ....... W.. W.. W  ...... HY?"

But the little puppet was emitting a shutdown sound as the remaining light in his eyes behind the broken glasses turned black.

A familiar voice started to be heard.

Swatch-"The citizens were taken away during the showdown, everyone is fine. Did you stopped the troublemaker?"

I lifted the small damaged puppet to show him to Swatch.

Player-"Here is what remains."

Swatch-"Wonderful. Good riddance. That annoyance already have enough tried to bypass the mansion security measures. Just to fulfill his egoistical goal!"

Queen-"IDK Now that I - Think about it...

-We aren't really innocent, we fired him... forcing him too...."

Swatch-"We have an image to keep, he were just doing crappy deals and scamming peoples...."

Angel-"Enough! Like a Jester we meet the other day in the other Dark World, this individual met the wrong person. Someone, who enjoy twisting minds.

-It is time to restart on a good path again, and give it a second chance. No Darkner deserves to die. Even the worst one."

Swatch-"You ask us a lot. But I must recognize your wisdom. But, I don't want him here, him or its clown friend, Tasque Manager still remembers how he ruined every pottery."

Angel-"Sigh. You know, you will be freed of him if we repair him. I will take him to my Citadel. That clown you are speaking of is already here.

-So... this Spamton, it is a kind of puppet/program right?"


Angel-"Do you know anyone, a specialist of coding or things like that?"

Swatch-"We do have an Hacker he is known all around the city... let me call him."

While Swatch isolated himself to do the call, Tasque Manager arrived along a few Swatchlings.

Tasque Manager-"Mistress, the citizens went back to their homes, hopefully, only working buildings were destroyed during the fight of the robots; and...."

She noticed that we had a Tasque with us.

"How? Why a Tasque is with you? I hope it didn't misbehaved or..."

Player-"Not at all! It even helped us during the fight! And it seems this Tasque like us..."

Tm-"What is in your hand... Spamton! No! What happened to him?! Is he?"

Queen-"WHAT? You was still after him? I thought everyone forgot about him since I launched - my cleaning tools business?"

Tasque Manager-"Since he got evicted.... sniff. I was checking for him when I had time.... he were always in this dumpster.... I couldn't stand its despair... I used to bring him some B Shot Bowties."

Swatch finished the call as he came back. Everyone was standing around me carrying Spamton, some sad, some quiet as an holy silence.

Swatch-"Wow... hmm hmm. I think it will ne good news for you, the Hacker is waiting for us in the mansion."

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