Chapter 33 - The Fate of Castle Town

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Ralsei smile and then talk. As Dusk and Misty spot us and move closer.

Ralsei-"While you were occupied dealing with the occult world, I went back to Kris House to gather the different Darkners turned back to objects, but I only found Dusk and Misty as all the others were killed."

Misty-"Oh! It is the Delta Guardians? Oh! Hello Vessel! How it is going?"

Dusk-"How your adventures are going? You did two more dark worlds? How were they?"

Player-"It was amazing, we saved most of the darkners from chroma world, and for occult world we did saved some too. But in any case, Kris closed them one by one after making a slaughter, well apart Chroma world, it was Susie, and technically in Cyber world, they had help from Noelle. But they gathered the Dark Apostles and they got Tapster, and I hope Roulxs Kaard is still alive.."

Ralsei-"About Roulxs Kaard... I am sorry Angel... they killed him."

Angel-"How it happened?!"

Ralsei-"Kris took over my castle as I said and he keeps only the strongest darkners... they killed him along some darkners that were too tender..."

Gerson-"Is Queen alright? And Tenna? Did they do anything to them?"

Ralsei-"Tenna and the Queen escaped but they are wounded, I let them rest in you castle Angel, you don't mind? The one leading with Kris are the King and the Pawn."

Player-"How many peoples you brought here? Queen, Tenna, Misty, Dusk... who else?"

Ralsei-"Well that's all, we can sit all together at the table to discuss. As the meteo is done, now the shadowmens will do a saxo concert. We have to think of next move."

We all sit together at chairs at Mike go out of the bar to bring us some drinks and sit with them.

Mike-"Oh? It is all my friends? Wow. Amazing to see ya all here. I did heard well, you brought Tenna here too? And a part of technocolor crew? It is cool. Don't get me wrong, our little war of business is the past, I will not try to fight him as long as he is fine with me too."

Angel-"Yes, I want my citadel to be a little heaven. You can continue having this cafe and radio as he does TV shows. By the way it is not the only one that you know that is present in that citadel."

Mike-"Spamton? Yes I know. I did visited him earlier today. It was amazing. Thank you for making it possible, you don't know how long tie passed. I was its camera man, ya know, for the Big Shot Autos Ads... the good ol' time. And then you know, recruited by Tenna, before he abandon me as entertainment technology evolved. And I created the Cathode Crew."

Angel-"It is nice to see that you are still nice to him, it warms my divine spirit."

Whereas we were talking Anima and Helli were on the scene to dance on the music the shadowmens were playing with their saxophone.

Mike-"So what are you gonna do next? I suppose, there is another Dark World waiting for you?"

Gerson-"Yes, a certain memory Dark World."

Ralsei-"Located in the hometown school, next to my dark world and castle town. Well my former castle as now Kris own  it."

Mike-"You know what? Finish with that last Dark World, then me and my guys will help you to reclaim that castle and close its fountain."

Ralsei-"At first, I wanted to make my castle a safe and peaceful place, but there is nothing to save, so, I will let you close my fountain. It seems the real heaven is here, in the Citadel of the Angel."

Delta Memory - Deltarune AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora