Chapter 17- Schism (REVISED)

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"You want Harumi to become evil again? Is that all you've wanted? My power and her allegiance?" Lloyd clenched his hands into fists. "You haven't changed at all. You're despicable!" He lashed.

"If that's how you feel then you might as well go back to the ninja!"

Earlier that day...

Lloyd wiped the sweat from his forehead and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Getting tired already, Lloyd?" Harumi said with a smirk.

"I don't understand why you aren't." He panted.

"I guess I'm just super excited that I can do spinjitzu now. Weren't you this excited when you mastered it?"

"I don't really know." Lloyd averted his gaze. "I guess after I had learned it I had to focus on defeating my father. But I am very proud of you 'Rumi." She smiled at his remark.

The pair trained for another hour before going inside and washing up.

Harumi stepped into the shower and turned the water as cold as it would go. She closed her eyes and shivered as ice cold liquid poured down her face. She quickly finished up, grabbing a fresh towel as she walked through the bathroom.

Harumi stared at herself in the mirror as she was drying her hair. She tucked it behind her ears and put on some light mascara. She felt that she could finally be happy with the person she saw in the mirror. She was no longer hiding her emotions or taking her rage out on Lloyd. She was no longer in the spotlight, whether she was the Jade princess or public enemy No. 2. She had finally found some real joy in her life, not just a fake smile.

She took of the towel that was wrapped around her body and threw it over the side of her shower to dry. She walked into her closet and found a pair of black and grey tie dyed leggings as well as a top to match.

Meanwhile, Lloyd had found himself a pair of white trousers and a t-shirt. He walked across the hallway to Harumi's room and knocked on the door.

"Are you ready babe?" He stood and waited outside.

"Yah," She sighed, walking out of the room. Lloyd smiled and held out his hand for her to take. She gratefully took it and they headed towards Garmadon's study.

Please turn on the sound!

The room was quite large for a study. Walls were dressed in shelves full of a variety of colored books. In the center sat a large oak table that was covered in books both open and closed. Six oak wood chairs sat around it. At the back of the room there was a set of spiral stairs that led to a second level.

As they trekked up the stairs they found that this time the walls were a blank slate grey. Across the room was a large oak desk with a black leather chair behind it. In that chair sat Lloyd's father.

Once he had noticed the pair his face lit up into a sinister smile.

"Two minutes early, perfect timing." He stood up in his chair and walked around his desk. "Let's go downstairs." Garmadon led them back down the stairs and into the room full of books.

He lifted his arms and all of the books on the table began to levitate. Pages collapsed shut and they began to move in a circular motion, similar to spinjitzu. A purple aura surrounded them until they flew into their places on the shelves. All that was left was one rolled up scroll. Instead of using his magic, Garmadon unrolled this with his top set of arms. He sat it down and motioned for the blondes to sit down.

As he expected they found chairs next to each other. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm so happy to see the two of you together again! Now, onto business. You both know the story of my father the first spinjitzu master and how he created Ninjago and on the other end of the endless sea the Overlord created another island. Well it's been prophesied that one day the two islands would unite with the power of two spinjitzu masters." Garmadon picked up the scroll and began to read aloud.

"So that's why your training me to do spinjitzu?" Harumi interrupted.

"Yes. The powers of yin and yang are equal and opposite, the same reason why the oni and dragons never had a winner of the war. You can't have light without darkness and vice versa."

"So by joining the lands we will be able to have peace?" Lloyd asked.

"According to this, yes." Garmadon smiled. "But I don't know how to join the lands."

"It doesn't say on the scroll?"

"I don't have all of it. It was torn and separated into four pieces so that it could be kept safe until it showed itself to the two chosen spinjitzu masters. And as fate would have it, a piece is being held at an auction in Ninjago city in two days time. So, are you two ready for your first retrieval mission?" Garmadon looked at the pair with a smirk and sat what he had of the scroll back on the table.

"Yes." Lloyd said interlocking his finger with Harumi's. She smiled in response.

"You will bid for the piece until it is yours and take any means necessary to get it back to us. Understood?" He quirked a brow.

"Of course." She smiled.

"Hey 'Rumi, I'd like to talk to my father in private for a moment is that okay?" He looked at her with eyes filled with love.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and leaving the room.

Lloyd waited till after I couldn't hear her footsteps to start.

"What was it that you a wanted to say, my son?"

"You said that to join the land there would need to be equal and opposite powers, meaning one of us would inhabit the powers of the dragon and the other the oni." He said gritting his teeth.

"In a way, ye-"

"You want Harumi to become evil again? Is that all you've wanted? My power and her allegiance?" Lloyd clenched his hands into fists.

"Lloyd I don't think you understand, I don't know exactly how it will work, that's why we need the other parts of the scroll."

"You said equal and opposite powers! I'm the fucking green ninja! Destined to fight evil for as long as I shall live!"

"Lloyd please listen-"

"You haven't changed at all. You're despicable!" He lashed.

"If that's how you feel then you might as well go back to the ninja!"

Lloyd paused and looked at his father.

"Son, wait."

"I'm done here." Lloyd began to walk out of the room.

Suddenly, he was levitating, masked in a purple aura. He tried to fight it then his whole body went limp. He floated through the air until he landed on the table in the middle of the room. Garmadon laced his body with his dark magic. He sat a hand on his forehead and Lloyd's eyes opened covered in a purple haze.

Garmadon crossed his arms in front of his chest and stood against the wall. After a minute he grabbed a book and began to read.

Soon after, Lloyd tried to sit up.

"Father, what happened?"

"Oh! You're awake. You hit your head and passed out and so I helped you lay down. What do you remember?"

"We were talking about your plan and how we would go to the auction in three days. That's the last thing I can remember."

"Well, soon after that Harumi left and you asked to speak with me in private. Do you remember what you were going to say?"

"Umm, no, I don't." Lloyd rubbed his temples.

"Well, I wouldn't keep the princess waiting. Goodnight, my son."

"Goodnight, father." He said as he left the room.

Thanks so much for reading this chapter of In Opposition! Sorry it took so long to get it released, I've been procrastinating quite a bit. See you guys next time!

Word count: 1378


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