•Chapter 8•

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Please turn on your sound!

It would be another 2 hours before the others would be able to come back for them. Harumi quickly fell asleep, the journey had exhausted her. Lloyd laid her down gently and sat up. He thought about what would happen when the others got back, Kai's agreement, and everyone's opinions that would soon come to light now that she was awake. He knew that she was of no help to them. She was unable to provide any information on Garmadon, at least not anything that they already knew. He asked himself how he could lie to them. There would be consequences for his false truths. If he lied about a plan, they could be sent on a wild goose chase. It will be worth it for her, he thought to himself. Would it be though? His mind raced, all of her previous actions hit him like a wrecking ball sending him 6 feet under. Harumi could not even get within a million feet of his friends when he took it upon himself to compare the two. The other ninja deserved the world. He hated loving her.

30 minutes had passed. This gave him just enough time to think about everything.

"The moment I met you I was interested, no, intrigued. The moment I saw you helping the children was when I fell for you. The moment you told me that only I could retrieve the mask due to my blood was the moment that I realized I was in the wrong. I was so wrapped up in your little sob story that I didn't bother to look at all the signs and red flags right in front of me. Who am I kidding, you were too good of an actress to leave any hints. I guess you could say I fell harder than you." His smirk was entirely pained and wrong. He whispered his subtle words into her scalp. He had been sitting less than a foot away from her for quite some time. He couldn't bring himself to move.

Lloyd examined Harumi's dirty face. He found tears making their way to her chin through the sand.

"Shit I'm sorry." He sat up and tried to meet her gaze, Harumi did the same.

"It's fine, you were only telling the truth. I was terrible wasn't I?"

"Maybe you were, maybe you weren't. All that matters now is that you have changed." Lloyd leaned over to her and cupped her cheeks in his hands. His callous thumbs wiped the tears from her cheeks. He leaned in closer and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. As he pulled away he wiped the sand from his lips and she giggled.

"Lloyd, I really do regret all the things I did..."

"I know, Harumi."

"I'm not done." She said. Lloyd shut is mouth before daring to say another word. "I was just so angry that you didn't save everyone. I realized that you couldn't save everyone but you were so perfect and so amazing so I thought you could save me too. I put too much confidence in you to the point where I had to hate you after that day."

"That was kinda backhanded."

"Still not done." Once again she had cut him off. "I know that your not perfect. Everyone should know that. I'm sorry Lloyd, for everything." His eyes met hers before trailing down her face to her lips. He raised his hand and wiped it on his shirt before bringing it to cup her cheek. He rubbed his thumb over her lip and leaned in.

"May I?" Within seconds of hearing those words, Harumi leaned in. She was merely an inch away from him.

"Yes." Lloyd closed the space between them as soon as she spoke. His lips met hers, pulling her into a soft, sweet kiss. Lloyd tried to pull away, leaving it at a peck, but Harumi's hand landed on his neck making him return to his earlier position. Her fingers curled into his platinum hair as the kissed depended. The world around them began to fade away until the sound of a running motor sounded from the distance.

The two slowly pulled away from each other to find the source of the sound. They had expected the others to arrive in a wheeled vehicle but to their surprise it was a helicopter heading in their direction. Lloyd stood and waved his arms in an effort to catch someone's attention. Harumi soon joined him to help.

The aircraft started to descend towards their direction. As it reached the ground, enormous clouds of sand and dust formed due to the force of the propellers. Lloyd turned in front of Harumi to shield her from the cloud that was engulfing them. The sand started to settle and Zane appeared from the door of the craft.

"Come on! Let's get you two out of here." The nindroid shouted. The pair reached the door and climbed in. They sat down on a bench on the right side of the helicopter and fastened their seat belts.

As they ascended into the sky, Lloyd began to take notice of the absence of the other ninja.

"Zane, where are the others?"

"Back at the monastery." He replied bluntly.

Lloyd felt his sense of unease only intensify as the seconds passed. Harumi looked at him confused as to what was going on.


They felt the cool metal wrap around their wrist, attaching them to the wall of the unfamiliar aircraft. Their hands sat near their hips, unable to move.

"Zane! What the hell!" Lloyd yelled at his dear friend. Zane began to turn towards them only this, this wasn't Zane. It was an unfamiliar nindroid. "Fuck." Lloyd murmured under his breath.

"You're not Zane, are you?" Lloyd said in a jokingly defeated tone. He looked as if he had lost a battle he never knew were coming. His eyes were wide in surprise but the rest of his face was droopy like he was about to fall asleep.

"Where are you taking us?" Harumi hissed eagerly yet at the nindroid. The false Zane committed to his silence.

"Where do you think?" Lloyd spat. "He's taking us to my father... I should have known... I shouldn't trust so quickly." Harumi's breath hitched with his words. He shook his head and looked away. "Just look, he has the sons of Garmadon engraved into is neck."

The nindroid had a small symbol on the nape of his neck to show his allegiance to the sons of Garmadon.

The tension in the aircraft came to a stop with the feeling of cold metal piercing through skin. The pair of blondes felt the needle inject a mysterious fluid into each of their right arms.

As the needle was removed their vision began to falter. Their eyes began to flutter closed and their bodies drooped.

Lloyd slowly lifted his head so that his captor was in sight. "I'll kill you... I'll kill you you Mr. 'Not- Zane'... fuck you" He let out before succumbing to the anesthetic.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! I know that it took a long time for this update to come out but I needed time to figure out and map out the rest of the story. Thank you for waiting!

Word count: 1221


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