Chapter 4- Dreams

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Please turn on your sound!

"Me too." The words sent shivers down his spine. Her voice was faint but clear as always.

"Harumi?!? I thought I'd never see you again."

"You think that a building and a sword can stop me." She tried to sound as strong as possible even with her weak condition. She coughed as she spoke, showing through her facade. She tried to sit up but couldn't. She winced at the pain.

"Don't force yourself yet, you've barely healed. Just please try to relax, for my sake."
The boy sat a hand on her shoulder to make her lay down once again. She obeyed. "I have to go, but I'll come back as soon as I can. Okay?" His voice was light, the roughness in his tone had almost completely disappeared, his concern on the other hand, didn't.

"Okay." It was a simple reassurance but it worked perfectly. The tension in Harumi's muscles began to fade as her body relaxed. Lloyd took this as his signal to leave. She didn't close her eyes until he had completely left the room. Once the door was shut, she drifted into a light slumber.

Dream land; a fantastical place where your greatest hopes and dreams connect with your reality. There can be a dark side to this fantasy realm , nightmare factory. The place where your greatest fears and nightmares connect with your reality. Dreams and nightmares, to put it simply, half truths.

It was almost as if her life were be played in reverse right before her eyes. There she was on the roof of the building that should have killed her some time ago. She looked into Lloyd's bright green eyes, tears from her own lightly clouding her view. Her heart ached, she was drowning in her guilt, in her love.

All at once everything faded to black. She stood, all alone. One by one blurred images started to appear around her, each one a moment she held very dear. She turned around, her white hair whipping in the face. There he stood, his green eyes burned into hers. He walked towards her, his footsteps one right after the other. He was many feet away from her but it still scared her. As he neared she tried to step back but was stopped. A cold hand wrapped around her thin wrists, another held her mouth. Another set of hands held her torso back, forcing her backside into the body which held her. A dark laugh rung on her ears; Lord Garmadon. Lloyd was coming closer. To her left she saw another figure appear, her adoptive mother, the empress. And another, her adoptive father, the emperor. They stood completely still, their gazes never left her. Lloyd was only a foot away from her now. Garmadon handed her off to him, walking towards the others. Lloyd held her close, one hand on the small of her back and one on her jawbone, just as he held her when he kissed her last. She leaned in and kissed him back. A moment later he broke it off and leaned his head to her ear.

"I'm sorry, but this is just the way it has to be." His lips brushed against her soft cheek.

Before she could respond, Lloyd pushed her. She prepared herself for the impact of the ground but it never came. She was falling. She saw more figures appear around the hole she was falling into, all of which she recognized. Garmadon, her adoptive parents, her birth parents, and Lloyd. Her eyes slowly closed as she fell through this seemingly endless pit. It was ironic, Lloyd was the one who had betrayed her in this false reality, not the other way around. It was funny to her that she was falling, falling just like how she was when that stone monstrosity crushed that building. When her eyes had fully closed and she had accepted her fate she did not die.

Harumi was in a small eggshell colored room. Across from her was Lloyd. The two of them were young. His eyes weren't green and his hair was cut into a blonde bowl cut. Harumi had cute little curtain bangs and braided pigtails down the upper side of her back.

"Maybe if we met when we were this age, things could have been different." The little boy spoke, his voice was cracked and young. A slight smile rose on his lips, the corners of his mouth reached for his ears. Suddenly, his mother walked through a oak door. She had never noticed it till now.

"Lloyd, it's time to go." Misako grabbed her sons wrist and brought him out the door. He never stopped looking at her.

Before the door had even closed the whole room started shaking. Harumi readied herself for more but was jolted awake. Her eyes opened and she tried to sit up but quickly realized the pain it took to do so. The lights were on but the windows were coated in black. She thought she was still dreaming but soon came to the realization that this was not a new scene in her movie of a dream. Upon closer inspection she found that sand was what covered the small windows. Had the bounty crashed?

As she tried to sit up Lloyd rushed into the room.

"Harumi! Are you okay?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but as I mentioned earlier this is the first chapter of two connected ones. I will try to get the next chapter out soon. Thanks for reading!

Word count: 949


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