However, deep down, Pihu couldn't shake off the lingering unease. The taste of the black forest pastry seemed bittersweet, a reminder of the enigmatic connection between her and Rudra. She wondered how he could have possibly known about her favorite flavor, questioning if it was a mere coincidence or something more sinister at play.






In a dimly lit bedroom, Rudra reclined on the luxurious couch in his opulent, an amber-filled glass of fine whiskey cradled in his hand. The rich aroma and smooth taste of the aged liquor did little to distract him from the all-consuming thoughts of the girl who had ensnared his heart and ignited an insatiable obsession within him.

 The rich aroma and smooth taste of the aged liquor did little to distract him from the all-consuming thoughts of the girl who had ensnared his heart and ignited an insatiable obsession within him

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"Pihu," he murmured his voice husky with desire, "her name dances on my lips like a forbidden melody. The way she looked at me, those innocent eyes filled with a mixture of fear and curiosity..... it was exhilarating." His grip on the whiskey glass tightened, his mind engulfed by visions of claiming her, of making her an indelible part of his existence.

Within the depths of his opulent chamber, Rudra's obsession with Pihu blazed like an unquenchable inferno, compelling him to craft intricate strategies that would ensure her eternal presence in his life. As the night stretched on, and sleep eluded his restless eyes, his thoughts wove a tangled web of schemes, fueled by an obsession that knew no limits.






Time Skip

Pihu's heart swelled with mixed emotions as she realized that today marked the final day of her internship. The anticipation of completing this significant milestone was accompanied by a sense of relief and accomplishment. However, instead of a regular workday, the Rathore Empire was hosting a grand success party to celebrate their recent triumphs.

Her heart fluttered with unease as she prepared for the dreaded success party. The mere thought of crossing paths with Rudra sent shivers down her spine, filling her with a mixture of fear and apprehension. Also, social gatherings were never her cup of tea, and this particular event seemed even more daunting.

As she carefully selected her outfit, trying to mask her anxiety with a forced smile, Shivani's excitement filled the room. Pihu couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, knowing how much this party meant to her best friend. Reluctantly, she made up her mind to accompany Shivani, pushing aside her own fears for the sake of their friendship.

"Come on, Pihu, we can't afford to be late! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," Shivani exclaimed impatiently, her voice brimming with excitement.

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