Chapter 90

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After I was taken away by the rogues, I was taken to a place in the woods, and I couldn't help but feel scared about the whole thing. My eyes were filled with the fear of the unknown. My lips gave way as a small whimper escaped my mouth. I felt my body freeze as I was being dragged into a place that looked more like a cave. My breath was seized instantly, and I was in a daze. My eyes gazed all over the place with a tingling of fear rushing down my spine. My gaze was moving to and fro, not knowing what to do.

My eyes were closed as I ruminated on what to do. I knew that the best option was to wait for Erica to come save me, but I could feel myself wanting to test out my powers, and I knew not to do that because any wrong move I took might put me in danger. I knew I would have to wait patiently for Erica to come, and if she doesn't come in the next two days, then I will do things my way. I will make sure things go smoothly, like I have always wanted. My eyes were fixed on the wall of the cell that I was put in.

I knew that things would not go as I wanted because I could feel something wrong. I knew that the head of the werewolf council must have been testing the so-called Alpha Titus. I knew that he wanted to know what his expression would be to know if he could trust him. I knew that he was only trying to play games with him to know if he was after something else. I knew that there was no way he would have suspected things.

I knew that all this would be over soon, and that is because I knew he would not want me to be killed easily. He will want to let Alpha Titus be here before that. I knew that the only way to catch him was to make Erica act according to the plan. I knew that anything aside from Erica coming to save me just as planned would fail. I knew that there was no other way any other strategy would work in this situation. I knew that I would have to get ready for tomorrow. I knew that it wouldn't be as easy as I had thought.

I was locked up in the cell without food, and I could feel my stomach aching. I knew that this wasn't the right time for me to feel hungry and all sorts of things, but I do. My gaze was furrowed, not knowing what to do. I knew that I should have been prepared for this, but I wasn't. I couldn't sleep due to the fact that this room is filled with a lot of wolfsbane, which was weakening me. I could see the silver that was used to make the cell, which made me shiver. I knew that I couldn't escape from this place, and I could only wait for Erica to initiate our plan.

I was sitting on the ground while trying to be cautious of my environment. I knew not to let things slide for a moment. I knew how dangerous it could be if anything is let slide by without any action by me.

I was lost in my thoughts, thinking of things that could possibly happen, when all of a sudden I heard the sound of things crashing against the walls of the place. I was filled with fear, which was starting to make me feel sweaty all of a sudden. I don't know what was going on, but I pray it will be Erica's men, whom she told me about. She told me her men will break in here, killing all the guards silently, before they are able to contact Alpha Otis.

I knew that I might end up being disappointed because the men might not be that of Erica. I knew that they might just be rogues who were snooping. I walked toward the cell door while holding it, not minding the burning sensation that traveled all over my body. I tried hard to keep up with everything while peeping to make sure that things were going as we had planned.

"Alpha, are you alright?" I heard a voice ask, and it turned out to be one of the men who was sent here by Erica. I breathed a sigh of relief and released my hold on the cell bars.

"I'm fine. How is everything going?" "Hope there are no flaws in the plan?" I asked with a curious look on my face, forgetting about feeling hungry. I knew that this was more important than that.

"Everything is going as planned; you don't have to worry." "My men are cleaning up the place so as not to leave any trails behind for it not to be spotted by the so-called alpha Otis," I heard the man say, and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, and once again I felt my stomach rumble and I felt my stomach hurt.

"I'm hungry," I muttered with an embarrassed look on my face, and he smiled at me before removing a food flask from a bag that I hadn't seen when he first entered.

"Here you go," he said as he handed the flask to me with a genuine smile on his face.

I ate the food without any questions. I finished the food off within minutes, and I handed the flask to him after I was done, and I drank some water that he gave me along with the water. My hands burned as I returned the glass of coffee to him, and he seemed to notice it. He stared at me with a worried look on his face, and he held the cell bars. He winced in pain after noticing that the bars were laced with wolfsbane.

"Are you hurt?" he asked me as he took his hands off the bar of the cell with a questioning look on his face. I knew that he was probably scared because of what he had just noticed.

"I'm fine," I muttered, not wanting him to be more worried about me. It feels weird to know that someone is worried about me.

"I will change the cell bars," I heard him say, and my eyes widened with shock. I knew it wouldn't be good if he changed it, and it would easily give me out. I knew that Alpha Otis would feel that something was amiss as soon as he got here.

"You don't have to do that; it will all be known to the alpha, and I won't want that," I said to him, and he smiled. The look on his face made me think that he had a way out of it.

"He would not feel anything of the sort; he will be wearing a glove when he comes tomorrow," I heard him say, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can go ahead with that," I said to him, and he bowed his head before leaving to make preparations for the change of the cell bars.

I knew that it would only take them a couple of hours before they would be done with it, and I'm happy about it. I knew there was no way things wouldn't go according to plan if everyone fulfilled their part. I smiled as I stared around the place after they were done with it. They made sure that there were no flaws left behind, and I'm glad that they were cautious. I knew that any mistake would put me in grave danger, and I don't want to die now.

I knew that there were still a lot of things to do with Erica. I knew that it was too early for me to die without fulfilling any of my dreams.


I woke up due to the rays of sun that penetrated the cellar through the small windows of the cell room. I groaned as I sat upright; my head was pounding heavily, and I couldn't help but groan. I felt my body aching for Erica's touch, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before she got here. I knew that after that, everything would be settled.

"Good morning, Alpha. Here is your food," I heard the man's voice say as he handed me a flask and a cup of water. I ate the food, and I gave the water back to the man.

I was waiting patiently, knowing that I would have to face a trial. I knew that the head of the werewolf council would be here soon, and not only that Erica would be here also.

"The head of the werewolf council is here," I heard the men whisper, as Erica had told them to disguise themselves.

"Look who we have here, if not the lycan prince," I heard the man say immediately after he entered. I was trying to act shocked to see him, but when I heard his words, I was truly shocked.

PS:  please press the cute little star at the bottom of the chapters. It's the only thing that keeps us writers going. I'm begging please 🙏 🥹 I need the encouragement


Hi beautiful people, do you can follow my account for more updates cos I will be posting new chapters everyday. I am writing a Werewolf romance and Billionaire Romance called "RISE OF ATHENA" and "HIS PAID WIFE"

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