Chapter 67

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Here I am fiddling with my fingers, not knowing how to go about it. We are on our way back from our date. I couldn't help but wonder what Jerome would say about it. I wanted to tell him about our trip, which will be in a week's time. I doubt if he will want to follow me. I knew that things had been hard for him these days. He has been training non-stop, and he has been trying to balance out the space between me and that training. He has been doing all he can to be there for me, and I'm glad for that.

I knew that he wouldn't hesitate to escort me, but I knew that it might seem like I was forcing him to follow me. It seems like I'm doing something wrong by making him follow everything I want. I want him to have a great life because he has been there for me. The incident that happened that day is still fresh in my memory like yesterday.

I could remember his courage and his willingness to protect me, and I'm happy for that, but I don't want him to keep hurting himself while trying to protect him. I don't know what I would have done to myself if he ended up dead. There is no way I'm going to forgive myself for that. I will always feel guilty for killing my mate. There will be nothing that matters to me. I knew that he faked being dead for me to show my reaction, and I didn't take it well.

"What's the matter?" "You have been standing over there for some minutes now." I heard Jerome's voice ask, snapping me out of my thoughts, and I turned to look at him. I heaved heavily as I stared at him with adoration. My eyes were filled with brightness, and they lit up. I stared deeply into his eyes, my heart beating rapidly.

"It's nothing," I said with a deep pause while complimenting her on what to do. I knew that I had no choice but to tell him, and I also knew that this might not be the right time to do so.

"You don't have to worry; you can tell me whenever you want." He replied with a smile. I couldn't help but feel guilty about not telling him. I knew he would agree to go with me immediately, and I don't want him to think I'm taking advantage of that.

I knew that if I told him late, it might look like I was taking advantage of him, and I didn't want that. I don't want him to feel like I'm taking advantage of him. I want him to feel free with me, and I shouldn't hide anything from him.

"It's alright, I will tell you now," I said with a pause while staring at him to be sure he was listening to me, and he was about to interrupt me when I placed my fingers on his lips and told him to be quiet.

"I want to go on a trip next week with a pack, and I would like you to come with me," I said, and he chuckled while staring at me.

"Is that what you wanted to say?" "You should know by now that it isn't a problem for me; I will follow you," he said, and I sighed heavily, knowing that what I wanted to avoid had finally happened. I knew that there was no way he would refuse to follow me, but to me, it seems like I'm being hard on him.

It feels like I'm forcing him to follow me. I don't like that sound of things, but I knew that there was no way he was ever letting me go alone.

"I'm glad you are going with me," I said with a fake smile, and he chuckled before turning to look at me.

He stood in front of me, hovering over me; the moon shone brightly, and I could see his eyes clearly. His eyeballs were shimmering with loads of emotions. I could feel my feet getting weaker every few seconds as I stared deeply into his eyes. His eyes were a deep blue like that of the ocean.

He used his finger to place a strand of my hair beside my ear. I could feel my heart swell with so much emotion, and I could feel it thundering heavily against its cage every minute. I was in a daze, and it was like the whole world had stopped and vanished. It was like we were the only remnants on earth.

He brought his face closer to mine, and I closed my eyes in anticipation. I waited for his lips to meet mine, but what I wanted didn't happen. I opened my eyes with annoyance, and I saw him smiling at me. I was about to talk when I felt his lips on mine. I felt the anger in me disintegrate into nothingness, and I was filled with wants for him.

I kissed him back almost immediately. Our tongues fought for dominance, and his hands roamed all over my body like a pro. He fondled my breasts, and he pinched my nipples. I have been trying to fight back the moan that wanted to escape my mouth because we are not in our room. I knew that anyone could catch us making out in public. I knew that I would feel embarrassed if someone were to see us. I tried hard to fight the moan, but he seemed to notice that, and he twisted my nipples hard enough to make me throw away the atom of shyness in me.

I moaned out loud, not caring if anyone would hear or see us. I knew that something like that might happen, but I decided to worry about all that later. The moan that I let escape my mouth gave Jerome the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. He used his tongue to explore my mouth, and I felt great about the way he was handling me. We pulled away from the kiss after what seemed like minutes.

"That was intense," I said while trying to catch my breath, and Jerome chuckled with a mocking look on his face.

"I'm such a good kisser, right?" Jerome asked with a raised eyebrow while staring at me intently, like he could read through me.

"No, you aren't; you shouldn't be so full of yourself," I replied, and he chuckled heartily before replying.

"You might want to confirm that again. We might go on another round of kissing, and I might not let you go anymore," he said with a creepy smile on his face, and I cringed back knowing that he would do just like he had said.

I knew that he only wanted me to say it to him, but I'm not ready to tell him. He knew that I had said it earlier, but he wanted me to admit it again, and I won't give him that satisfaction.

"You won't dare try it," I said while glaring at him while trying to make it look like I was not intimidated.

I knew that I might have no experience kissing since he was the only one I had ever kissed. He walked toward me with an intimidating look on his face, and I moved backward.

"I will do that again, and there is only one way to make me stop, and that is if you admit that I'm a good kisser," he said, and I moved back uncomfortably.

No one would be afraid. I'm an alpha if they are to see me moving back. I wouldn't have for once believed that I will have this kind of effect on me. I was shocked, but I knew that all this was possible due to our mutual bond.

I keep walking back, but I am stopped by a hand that firmly holds my waist, and I know with no doubt that the hand belongs to Jerome. "Where do you think you are going, young lady?" I heard him say, and I rolled my eyes while staring at him with a sarcastic look on my face.

"You go nowhere," he said, and he slammed his lips on mine. I responded to the kiss immediately, forgetting that I had been moving away from him earlier. Part of me wants to leave and scream at him while telling him he is such a bad kisser, but the other part of me wants us to stay like that.

I soon ran out of breath, and I broke free from his grip while breathing heavily. He wanted to grab me again, and I knew with no doubt that he would give me no chance to catch my breath and he would continue kissing me.

"Fine, you are such a great kisser," I said as I breathed heavily while moving backwards.

"Wow, I knew I was doing a great job," he replied with an arrogant look on his face.

PS:  please press the cute little star at the bottom of the chapters. It's the only thing that keeps us writers going. I'm begging please 🙏 🥹 I need the encouragement


Hi beautiful people, do you can follow my account for more updates cos I will be posting new chapters everyday. I am writing a Werewolf romance and Billionaire Romance called "RISE OF ATHENA" and "HIS PAID WIFE"

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I love you all ❤️💕🥰

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