Chapter 43

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Unknown Pov

It was fun watching the way he was being beaten. One would see the determination to win in his eyes. I knew for a fact that if things aren't taken care of then things might escalate, and he might win. I don't want him to have the slightest chance of winning. I knew that winning is one ticket to get what I don't want him to. It won't be easy to get what I want from him again. It will be hard and I don't want that to happen. I knew that things not being as good as it was before isn't going to help things.

I am so close to getting what I want from him and I would do anything at all cost to get that from him. It only remains a matter of time before things get as I want, and I don't want him spoiling my plans of getting to what I want. It would only take me four more years to get to what I want and him spoiling it now isn't going to be a good thing. I will make sure I get whatever I want even if he proves to be stubborn. I will make sure I get it even if it means killing him. I have been refraining myself from doing that since because of a promise but I think it will be better if I do so.

I had thought that he would stay as silent as he was in his old pack with his fiance but all that stopped because of Erica. I know that there are many ways to exact my revenge on her but I don't want to. I feel myself not wanting to make that happen. I knew that this might have been because she was the only child of her parents and there would be no one to succeed them but I knew that wasn't stopping me. There would be no one to suspect me even if I get her killed. It would be hard for anyone to believe that I'm in cohort with those that kill her and most especially that I was the one who ordered them to do so.

I knew that it would sound lame to people's hearing and they might have thought it was just a rumor from those who want me to be away from my position. I knew that everyone knew of the fact that there was no one as of high standard as me who wouldn't have competitors but someone who had the guts to do so definitely want to visit early grave. I want to make sure that he be apart from Erica for years and for him to go back to his fiance who might not want to accept him back. I knew that there is a lot of things hidden about me to people and I want it to stay like that.

I wouldn't want to lose my position in the werewolf kingdom, I knew that one with a high standard can't lose his or her position without the other being as strong and powerful as him.

I knew that him being with Erica is endangering me. It might get the things that I don't want to leak, leaked out. I knew that him being dangerous being with her isn't something good. I have planned everything out and I bet it would work and it wouldn't be long before he gets back to his feet. I stared at both of them with a satisfactory smirk on my face. I was so excited to know that my plans would soon be setting in and it won't take long for me to get all back all what I'm about to lose.

I knew that Erica was someone who is smart and she might easily see through everything thereby making things difficult for me which I don't want.

I wasn't happy with the way Jerome won against the pack warrior from Erica's pack. I felt bad that someone as strong and great as that who can't get things done easily. I had thought that he would be a piece of cake to them, I knew that if none of the warriors can do the job then the Alpha's can do so. I have known for the past month that Erica might want him to be safe which I don't want and I knew with no doubt that she must be responsible for what just happened not too long. I knew that she must have taught him all what he knew.

I knew that him staying longer with Erica would be extremely dangerous and it will cause

I stared at the ring while watching Jerome and a pack warrior who were glaring at each other venomously, and I could tell that the other warrior is ready to attack him, the pack warrior was angry with him for defeating one of them so easily and I knew that it won't be long before he will be down.

A satisfactory smile was on my face as I watched as he was being tackled to the ground. I turned to look at Erica who seemed to be at the brick of tears, and I knew that if anything was to happen then she would burst out into tears which I doubt she will want the pack members to see. I knew it would be hard for someone like her to cry in public.

I was amused with everything and one thing I knew for sure is that the pack members would be amused if they heard her cry, and most especially if they found out that she was crying because of her weak mate. I knew that it would be a way to criticize Erica and then it would be easy to move on from him.

I knew that it might not be easy but that's what it is, and there is no going back. I was staring at the both of them but Jerome didn't make any efforts to take the winning lead but all of a sudden the unexpected happened that left me brawling in shock. Jerome was able to win against the carried his opponent and threw him out of the box. I knew with no doubt that such shouldn't have been allowed in the duel in the first place. I couldn't believe that he would win so easily like he had done the first time.

I was definitely not expecting him to win using the same method he used earlier. I was shocked to see him outsmart his opponents and I couldn't help but wish I could join them to win in the duel but I wasn't interested in Erica or I would have joined in the duel.

PS:  please press the cute little star at the bottom of the chapters. It's the only thing that keeps us writers going. I'm begging please 🙏 🥹 I need the encouragement


Hi beautiful people, do you can follow my account for more updates cos I will be posting new chapters everyday. I am writing a Werewolf romance and Billionaire Romance called "RISE OF ATHENA" and "HIS PAID WIFE"

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