his eyes widened in shock and he instantly shook his head. "that was not the story i was hoping for..."

"hehe," she laughed to herself and then pointed to the tv. "now watch. this one is important," she said seriously, watching intensely on ben and holly's little kingdom that played.

dante walked through the door, eyeing the place before shutting the door behind him, putting his phone down on the counter. "what is happening?"

"jogging memories!" el bounced to her feet and over to him with a smile. "we've been watching cartoons,"

dante's eyes adverted to mike. "how fun, el,"

she nodded with a small giggle before gasping. "xavy! you're back! mike's here, go say hi,"

"actually, i should go," mike stood to his feet and el instantly frowned. "already? why?"

"it's late, i have to go home," he said gently and she nodded slowly, masking her disappointment.

dante glanced at her and then at mike. "you can stay," he managed to mumbled but mike shook his head. "it's fine, i actually have to go."

he then grinned at el. "not sure when i'll see you again but i know it'll be soon,"

she gasped, covering her mouth with both hands. "that won't happen!" she looked at dante for backup with pleading eyes as mike gathered his things.

"see you, el," he gave a nod at dante before opening the door, the dogs moving to their feet in alert.

el removed her hands and pouted sadly, watching the door close before she turned to dante. "how was your day?" she asked, forgetting everything that just happened before tapping his chest twice.

"beep beep,"

he held back a smile, going to hold her hand gently. "i had a good day. thank you for asking,"

she smiled brightly and gave him a small but quick hug. "good! 'cuz i had a good day too! let me tell you something, dantedante... the voices today," she tapped her own head harshly. "not as loud. aren't you proud?"

"i'm happy," he corrected. "because you're getting better,"

she shrugged and moved away before pointing to the stove. "by the way, i broke the stove when i tried to make popcorn,"

his brows furrowed. "excuse me? the stove? broken? with the process of popcorn? popcorn!?"

she put on the saddest look. "i didn't... i did the wrong thing,"

he exhaled gently and then gently stroked her head. "that's okay. i'll fix it. why don't you get ready for dinner, okay? it'll be quick,"

she smiled into his touch before nodding. "okay," she moved back and skip bounced all the way to the bathroom, giggling as she did so.

"ah! damy, i didn't know you were in here! sorry, i'll wait!" she exclaimed and turned, covering her eyes as dante bit back a smile and went to start dinner.

once he opened the cabinet, the dogs hopped to their feet and went to circle his for food, sitting right by him.

"later," he gave them a quick pet but they followed him, one running to the dog bowl, drinking some water and then back. "yes, i know there's only water. i'll refill it later. give me a second,"

they whimpered quietly, waiting patiently as dante started making the easy spaghetti, pulling out ingredients to make the dogs dinner too.

once he was done, he put the three bowls down, let out a whistle, and they instantly dug in.

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now