There was a brief silence once more until the doors opened on cue. Two figures, cloaked in black, stepped inside, mid-way through a conversation.

"Just wait it out. If they confront you again, don't respond," the eldest actor, his head turning to look around at the screens that flashed various still images and text, "what are they going to do? Track us down?" He hummed with amusement.

"Even if they do manage to find-"

Just as the actor was about to speak, the extra noticed, out of the corner of her eye, the way his figure slipped in the dark. He let out a startled noise and fell somewhat unceremoniously against the extra's chair. She felt his hands grip her shoulders tightly in order to find some sort of purchase so he wouldn't injure himself.

A few heads turned in surprise and someone turned on the lights in the room to make sure everything was okay. A heavy chuckle left the Russian man's lips as he stood a bit straighter, his grip releasing from his shoulders.

"Looks like I fell for ya!"

Her face, once again, flushed hot in embarrassment.


Y/n looked down at the picture of red that the director gave her, and then back at the director.

"You're sick."

They nodded, "I know."


Ann, Armen, and Y/n sat in a circle, Y/n narrowing her eyes at the script in her hands.

"You know...Ann being conveniently the one to approach Y/n after she found the picture is kinda...sus..."

Ann leaned forward and rested her head against the knuckle of her right hand, "yea, but her big sister energy kinda makes you forget about it."

Both Armen and Y/n nodded in agreement.


A camera had trouble focusing on the unfamiliar face in front of it as Y/n could be seen halfway on and off the frame of the picture. She placed a hand on the younger actress' shoulder and sighed.

"So," she started, "how do you feel after murdering a man?"

The actress who played Viviana, also known as Cutena, blinked a few times, then turned her attention to the camera, "help."

There was a sharp wheeze that came from Y/n's lips before the video cut off.


Y/n sucked in a breath and nodded toward Armen, the scene going...relatively well so far. She knew what was behind this door but refused to allow her face to give it away. Just as she turned the handle to the room, a small beep rang out in the air, coming from off to the side, but would be louder to the audience in the final cut.

On the other side of the door, in the center of a room, a girl stood over an older man, the actor for Richy Hardt, who was dead. Fake blood pooled messily from his torso and neck, spreading slowly on the white, tiled floor.

Ann was the first to react after a few beats of shock. She rushed through the doorway and the actress before them let out a sharp cry.

"No! NO!" She shrieked, the two of them tumbling to the ground on two matted floors, away from the actor's body. Y/n and Armen stepped inside, unable to step in to help Ann as they fought on the floor, "please...please, I don't wanna die...!"

Y/n's eyes flickered at the two on the floor and then up at the TV screen where they had entered through. The TV was supposed to read out the death message for Richy, but it was a blank screen. The h/c-haired actress sucked in a breath and then looked over at the cameraman, who then looked over at the director who sighed.

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