Ginkgo laughed but it was Bo who spoke. "Yea, the captain walked in and we couldn't believe it at first. He told us to get off our asses and get back into the fight." He shrugged. "So we did, we're still looking into other leads for other members."

"I'm glad you boys are here." Valerie turned to Rickshaw. "I'm sure Moose has told you about why I came back."

"Yes he did, he said he's found a small lead himself." Rickshaw said.

"Yes. Well, believe it or not Clone Force 99 and I were on Coruscant helping Rex and one of the senators. She said that she's going to look into seeing if she can pinpoint an exact location." Valerie said.

"That's great news, of course we're here for you." Rickshaw said.

"Yea! Whatever it takes to get General Amon back." Bo said.

"We're with you to the end of the line." Ginkgo said and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Of course I told the boys our plans and they wanna help too." Moose said.

Valerie smiled. "The more help the better, but right now I'm just waiting for Riyo to reach out."

"Yea, you had a long flight, you should get some rest. I have an extra bunks in my room. Come on" Moose said.

"See you later Valerie." Bo said and waved with the other three as Valerie followed Moose out the doors.

Walking down the halls Valerie stopped at a big open window, she couldn't help but stare out into the galaxy, she wondered what the boys and Omega were doing. She hoped they were staying out of trouble but she knew better.

"Valerie?" Moose walked back to her, pulling her from her thoughts. She looked over to him as he stood next to her. "You alright?"

Valerie nodded. "I am, just taking in the view."

"You know, you only do that when something is weighing on your mind." Moose mentioned.

"Is that so?" She chuckled.

"I've known you for a long time, kid. Staring into space is a specialty of yours, what's on your mind?"

"Too much." She sighed. "So much has happened since the order, kriff, since I last saw you. I guess I'm finally getting a moment to process it all."

"Has someone hurt you?" Moose got defensive. "Valerie I swear if those clones hurt you-"

Valerie laughed. "Moose the boys didn't hurt me. They saved me a few times. It's been awhile since I have been able to meditate so I haven't been able to process my emotions correctly."

Moose nodded. "You know Valerie, I'm here to talk."

"I know Moose," she paused. "Come on. Let's continue."


The two of them made it to Moose's barracks. Valerie jumped onto the extra bed in his room. "Want me to stay?" He asked her.

"I'll be okay. I think I just want to sleep more than anything." Valerie said as she got comfortable in the bed.

"Okay, I'm meeting back up with the boys, call if you need anything." Moose said as he walked towards the door.

"You got it." Valerie said as he left the room. Valerie looked up at the ceiling. She was very tired but of course sleep wasn't coming. Part of her was anxious when they would finally rescue Drake, she wondered what his reaction would be when they finally see each other after being apart for so long. Valerie felt her eyes grow heavy before sleep took her away.

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