Kamino Lost

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Valerie heard the beeping of an alarm. She groaned, keeping her eyes closed. "Hunter, do you copy?" Valerie heard Omega on the coms. She slowly opened her eyes, the ground felt wet under her. "Tech? Echo? Is anyone there? Valerie? Wrecker?" Valerie pulled herself into a kneeling position on the ground. The others started to get up.

"Yea kid. Are you okay?" Hunter responded, Valerie looked up at the closed doors.

"Not really." She responded. "The room is flooding and Crosshair's stuck."

Hunter turned to Tech. "Get the door open Tech!" He demanded. 

Tech looked up from his data pad, Valerie stood at the door. "All compromised compartments are sealed to contain the flooding." Tech said. Valerie held her hands up, they were centimeters away from the door. She closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on the force. She dropped her hands in frustration.

"I can't open the doors." She turned to Hunter.

"I can't override protocols from here as well." Tech added. Valerie's hand went to her belt, she figured she would cut the door open. A wave of panic rushed over her. She looked at the ground, her lightsaber was missing!

Wrecker must've had a similar thought. "I can!" He pulled his knife from his leg and ran next to Valerie, he wedged the knife in between the doors. Valerie felt the water rising.

"We need to hurry!" She didn't bother trying to hide the panic in her voice. 

"Crosshair is still stuck!" Omega repeated into the coms. Valerie was still next to Wrecker, she closed her eyes and again focused her thoughts. She thought about the debris on top of Crosshair and held her hand out. 

On the other side of the door, Omega was under the water trying to lift the metal on top of Crosshair. It was heavy, even in the water but that didn't stop Omega from trying to lift it. Suddenly it felt lighter as she moved it off Crosshair with ease. Omega pulled Crosshair up from drowning.

Tech was on the other side of Wrecker trying to help pry the door open. Valerie standing in between them. She dropped her hand and opened her eyes. They heard a soft pound on the door. "She's right on the other side." Valerie said. 

"Almost got it." Wrecker grunted. Valerie jumped next to Tech to help try and open the doors. Water started gushing through but Wrecker got the door opened. Wrecker caught Omega, and AZI and Crosshair came crashing through. Valerie and Tech closed the doors again. Wrecker put Omega down and she was panting. Hunter stopped Crosshair with his boot.

"What have you done?" He stood up and looked at everyone.

"The empire opened fire on the city. We weren't gonna leave you behind." Hunter said.

"But now we can all die here together." Valerie mumbled, crossing her arms and Tech smacked her arm before getting in between Hunter and Crosshair.

"We don't have time for this." Tech said. "We need to get topside before this entire structure submerges."

"If you want to stay here and die, that's your call." Hunter told Crosshair before he turned around and took off running. Everyone followed behind him. Crosshair took one more look around him before catching up to the others. They were running through a hallway, still hearing various explosions throughout the facility. The hall shook and Omega stopped to look out the glass. The small bacta tanks where the embryo's of future clones were below, but due to the rising water, they started exploding.

"Come on Omega, we have to go." Wrecker patted her shoulder. They all continued running, Valerie stayed in step with Tech, they all took a corner and he slipped. Valerie quickly pulled him to his feet and they kept on running. As the building descended further into the water it started groaning and turning. Omega gasped out in fear.

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