Now This Isn't Pod Racing

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The group entered Cid's Parlor, Valerie took note of the surroundings. It looked exactly the same as when they were there when they met up with Rex. A woman and Trandoshan walked out from the back room. The two of them walked over to the group. "Well, well, well, it's about time the group I hired finally showed up." The Trandoshan said.

"You must be Cid then." Hunter said.

"Better late than dead, I always say." The woman next to her said.

"And who are you?" Hunter asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She responded, studying everyone. "So this is the top team that Rex has been talking about? Rogue clones on the run from the empire? How juicy." Valerie crossed her arms, she didn't trust this woman.

"I don't trust you." Hunter warned.

"Don't get twitchy, Phee's a friend. She's the most trustworthy pirate I know." Cid said.

"Pirate?" Valerie grumbled.

"Is that supposed to be comforting?" Echo asked.

"Aren't clones supposed to look alike?" Phee asked. "So must for quality control."

"You watch your tongue." Valerie warned.

Phee walked up to each of the clones, Wrecker first. "This one's too big." She moved to Omega. "This one's too small. This one's got a face tattoo, yea real subtle." Phee looked at Valerie. "You're not a clone, but you're definitely something else." Her eyes landed on Tech. "Oh, hey now. Got a name, brown eyes?"

Valerie looked at Tech, he seemed uninterested in the conversation but Valerie felt annoyed. She put a hand on her hip. "Tech. However, the phenotypic eye color for all clones is brown." Tech said, adjusting his goggles. "Iris pigmentation was not affected by our mutat-"

Phee cut him off. "Well as fascinating as this has been, I have places to be." Phee started walking to the front entrance. "And Cid, that cargo you're transporting is not free. I expect a cut if this 'top team' comes through." With that she left the parlor.

"What's this mission you need from us?" Hunter said to Cid.

"You come into my office, the rest of you." Cid pointed to everyone. "Don't break anything!"


It's been a couple hours since Hunter and Echo left on Cid's mission. She said that only two people needed to go, despite everyone's protests Hunter only took Echo. Wrecker and Omega were playing Dejarik and Tech and Valerie were sitting at the bar, she was leaning over watching him work on his data pad.

Wrecker laughed. "I got you this time!" He said to Omega. Omega gave him a look and proceeded to obliterate his creature. Wrecker groaned. "What!"

It was Omega's turn to laugh. "Now you owe me two cartons of Mantell Mix."

"Not so fast!" Wrecker said. "One more game. Double or nothing."

Cid came storming out of her office. "Hey! Quit running up the power bill. How would you four like some work? I got another job for ya."

Tech and Valerie turned toward Cid who had walked up to Wrecker and Omega. "Hunter and Echo aren't back from the original mission yet." Omega said.

"I would not call transporting 50 cases of nerf nuggets a 'real mission.'" Tech chimed in. "Nor is it a proper use of our skill set."

"Yea, well your skill set will come in real useful on this one." Cid said. "Especially you, muscles. You're gonna be my security crew."

"Security crew?" Valerie questioned.

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