A New Day

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Valerie opened her eyes, she was still holding Tech, he was soundly sleeping. She carefully got up and left the room and made her way to the bridge. Valerie saw they were in hyperspace. Echo and Omega were sitting in the pilot seats. Omega looked at Valerie and smiled.

"Did you sleep well?" Omega asked.

Echo turned and smirked. "Yes, but did you get any sleep though."

Valerie smacked his arm, "you're terrible." She said in between laughs. "I in fact did get sleep." She sat down behind Omega. "Wrecker and Hunter getting rest?"

"Yea, we're almost to the coordinates you told Hunter to go to." Omega said. "He kept asking us where we were going."

"I told him, it's a break." Valerie said and Tech had made his way out of the room. He was adjusting his goggles.

"Did you sleep well Tech?" Omega asked Tech, repeating herself.

"I did." He brushed Omega out of his seat and she made her way to Valerie's lap. They all heard a groaning behind them and saw it was Wrecker.

"Are we almost somewhere?" He asked, sitting next to Valerie and Omega.

"Yes! We are almost back to Rex's ship." Omega said and they exited Hyperspace, they all saw Rex's star cruiser in front of them.

Someone came over their coms. "Welcome back boys, I hope to hear good news. We could all use some." It was Rex.

"Good news we do have Rex, it's good to hear your voice. Permission to land?" Echo asked.

"Get your asses here." Rex laughed before clicking off.

Valerie patted Omega's shoulder. "Why don't you go wake up Hunter."

Omega smiled. "Okay!" She got up and ran to where Hunter was resting. Valerie too got up. She saw her lightsaber sitting on the table, she didn't remember putting it there. She used the force and called it to her. She inspected it, she would've had no idea what she would have done if her lightsaber was lost.

"You good?" She looked up and saw it was Hunter, she nodded. The rest of them gathered around as Tech and Echo docked the Marauder. The doors opened and everyone walked through the doors. "So who's ship is this?" He asked.

"Just you wait, the answer will surprise you." Valerie turned, walking backwards and winked. She turned back around as people on the ship came out from where they were hiding.

"It's the Jedi!"

"The jedi? She lives!"

"Welcome back jedi."

The people of the star cruiser cheered, Valerie gave a sheepish wave. Hunter picked up on Valerie's nerves. "So you're famous here?" He asked her.

"Something like that." She responded, they all entered the bridge and Rex turned.

"Valerie! I see you followed my instructions and got Hunter back." The two of them shook arms.

"Well the real question is did you follow mine?" She asked.

"See for yourself." He held his hand out and walked over Rickshaw and Moose, she smiled and walked up to them. "Hunter, let's catch up." She heard Rex say.

"I'm glad you're safe." Rickshaw said and she pulled him into a hug. He laughed. "You know, I'll never get used to you hugging."

Moose laughed. "You might not but I like this side of her, come here girl." Valerie laughed and gave him a hug.

"I never realized how nice it is to hug the important people to me, it's something I've been doing more." Valerie said, but her stomach growled.

"You hungry?" Rickshaw asked.

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