Chapter 17

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"𝓒𝓞𝓜𝓔 on Blizzard, we're going to go outside today." Bucky said, putting me up on his shoulder as he stooped over to pick up his jacket. He put the leather jacket over his metal arm, letting me reposition myself as he headed towards the kitchen.

"But I'm not allowed on the ground floor?" I asked him.

Bucky didn't answer, striding towards the door that led to the kitchen balcony. Some of the team members liked to eat outside, so there was always a balcony off the kitchen. There were usually a half dozen tables and chairs out there, two of them with large umbrellas in case it rained.

Sam was on the balcony, sitting on the railing so that if he slid forwards, he'd fall to the city below.

"Sam be careful!" I meowed. Sam and Bucky were my two favorite people at the moment.

Steve and Bucky were still fighting, which hurt both of them badly and I really hoped they made up soon. However, the good side was that neither of them had been with Nat or Blondie since their fight.

I also hadn't seen Tony since Pepper had all but thrown me out of the hospital wing. I didn't know if he was still recovering, or if Pepper had banned him from seeing me.

I hadn't seen Pepper either- not that I was complaining on that front. It was so strange that just a few months ago, she was one of my favorite people.

Why had she changed? Was it really the party? I guess I understood that I had slightly embarrassed her, pulling her dress down a little. I hadn't meant it, something I had tried to convey to Steve, Bucky, Tony, Sam, Pepper, and anyone else that would listen to me. But of course, no one understood.

Or maybe it wasn't me exactly. It was the fact that I had put Tony and her daughter in danger multiple times. It wasn't me per se, it was my actions. Because I didn't know better. Or, as Bucky repeatedly said, I was just a kitten.

Well, perhaps I was. But that didn't excuse me from hurting others, did it? No, I didn't think it did.

I would have to become better somehow. I wasn't entirely sure how to do this though. However, I was aware that every time I had almost killed someone, it was because I was touching them.

I had decided I would not willingly touch anyone anymore. Perhaps if they touched me, or like with Bucky- asking me for kisses- that would be all.

I had made a mental list in my head.

-Don't climb on people
-Don't lick other people
-Hide from Pepper
-Continue list if anything else needs to be added.

Now, Sam looked over his shoulder at our approach, smiling. He had something strange on his back and had some red goggles up on his forehead. "About time James. Thought you were going to chicken out."

"I'm taking the elevator." Bucky said with no humor in his voice. Sam held his arms out and I carefully maneuvered myself off Bucky's shoulder so that Sam could hold me. "I'm warning you Wilson, you drop her and you're dead."

I wasn't entirely sure why I was in Sam's arms. I gingerly looked over the railing and my tiny cat heart almost fell out through my tiny cat ass. We were so freaking high up! Cars looked like tiny toy cars zooming around down there and any other houses that were only two stories high looked like boxes. People looked like singular dots on a map, moving in and out in blobs of brown, black, and sometimes red.

"See you down there then." Sam said, leaping off the building.

I yowled, pushing myself completely into him. His arms tightened around me so tight, on a normal day I would've squirmed out of them in complaint. Now, I was thankful for the tight hold because maybe it would help me survive when he splattered against the concrete.

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