Chapter 16

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𝓑𝓡𝓤𝓒𝓔 was still working on the pain medicine, so I did my best staying out of everyone's way. I didn't want Pepper to yell at me again, and I didn't want to hear Bucky and Steve fight again either. Especially not over me.

I debated about finding Billy and Tommy, before I remembered that they didn't live in the tower most of the time. Wanda and Vision had a house somewhere in New York that they stayed at instead.

I decided to explore a few more floors that I had never been to, to keep me occupied from doing anymore harm.

There was a floor that was made of what seemed like precious, fragile things. There were items made of glass on pedestals of marble. Paintings hung on walls in what seemed like gilded gold frames. None of the art that was actually on the canvas made any sense to me, but I liked the pretty swirls of colour.

Another floor seemed rather the same as the first floor, except that it seemed. . . less formal? There were several canvas' set up on easels, but none of them seemed filled with much colour. Some of them had gray and black outlines on them, as though they were in the middle of being drawn.

There were lots of beige, baggy cloths that covered the walls and floor, dotted with paint drips. There were a couple of completed paintings that hung on the very back wall. One was of a woman with deep brown hair and full red lips.

Another was of Bucky, looking shiny on the canvas. He was wearing a strange uniform outfit that was almost a beige, or perhaps an olive green.

Another was of me in Bucky's arms.

Actually, a lot of the drawings were of Bucky or of Bucky and me.

I was starting to think that maybe one of the Avengers knew how to paint and draw. Probably, considering the popular topic of the art, was Steve. I wondered who the brown haired lady was. Their soulmate?

A third floor had lots of pointy things on the walls. Most of them were straight or mostly straight. They were almost all in a silvery colour, though it varied on whether these blades were dull or shining. There were a couple of weapons that really just looked like big sticks with points. They were even made of wood.

There were several dozen bows and arrows, all of different sizes and makes. It was very strange, seeing all of these weapons on a wall. Why were they on a wall? What were they defending from? Why had they let them collect a layer of dust? Didn't they need these for their missions?

But it was the fourth floor that I liked the most.

When it opened up, I mewed happily as there were many, many bright colours.

The floor changed from tile or wood, to something very squishy and pleasant. The floor was multi-coloured, seemingly like big large puzzles pieces put together. I think it was made of foam and it covered the floor from corner to corner.

There were thousands of toys spread out everywhere. A dollhouse with twenty dolls laying around it, heaps of doll clothes laying around the dolls. There were orange trucks with different mechanisms so that they did different things.

There were trains with faces on them, sitting stationary on a large track that also seemed to cover the room.

I wondered why the trains had faces.

There were plastic animals that littered the floor and I knew all of them by name because of the tests that I had to run with Fury's assistants. A plastic white sheep. That dotted thing was a cow.

In nature, if I were to have seen these animals in real life, I would have known what they were. But seeing them in plastic casing were different. I didn't know what they were until I was told. It was weird.

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