"Let's go." Aunong called to us all.

I smiled and slowly let myself fall from my Ilu and began to swim down. The tree was different, not just in looks. I felt myself crying thanking anything I was under the water, swimming closer I reached for the tree. It didn't reach back, in a way that hurt. It just somhow felt less welcoming. But I accepted this change with a heavy heart.

"Connect again." Netayum smiled as he swam to me signing. I smiled and nodded swimming closer. I watched as Kiri attached her self and soon we all followed suit.

I closed my eyes feeling that familiar feeling of the planet lulling me into peace.

"So. Speak child tell me of your story now." Eytukan smiled as he greeted me. I made my way over to the old man and sat beside him watching as he sat fixing something on his clothing.

"What do you mean? What of my story?" I asked crawling on my toes and hands around him. He flicked his tail at my face with a huff of laughter.

"Your song cord. Tell me." He stated simply blowing a stray strand of string away.

"It's my life story. You know my story. I came here, I found a family, your daughter is insane, we had to leave..." my words died slightly the rest if my jokes dieing with them.

"Spider was taken." I sighed.

"The boy. The Na'vi in demon shape. How?" Eytukan asked still so focuse on his work.

"I let them go off on their own. The man who.... destroyed Hometree is back. And he took him. We had to leave and now we reside with the Metkayina clan. On Awa'atlu." I sighed plucking a small stick from the ground and tossing it.

"You still have your family." He hummed.

"But Tsu'tey promised we could think of a plan to save him!" I hissed standing. "But so far every one has simply forgot that he is gone! All but me and Kiri." I huffed tossing away a small stone.

"You are still impatient. You cannot think of a plan if you are a worried mother. The boy is strong and the great mother will return him home to you one day." Eytukan hummed.

"I want him safe. With me or with the scientists. Just not with that... that... warmongering shitface fuck!" I snarled from Na'vi to English.

A swift smack was delivered to my back. I jumped away with a howl of pain. I looked at Eytukan in shock and disbelief.

"Act like a small child I treat you like a small child." He chuckled.

So there I sat and I told him everything. All the way up until I learned to give the ocean a chance.

He nodded with a smile. Then he hunched over, he began wreathing in pain.

"Father what's wrong?" I asked.

He said nothing as he continued to   aqirm in pain. But the world began to fall away, he screamed silently when I reached for him a flash struck me and through the burning light I saw something terrifying, I saw kiri curled into a ball crying.

I detached myself from the tree and what I saw was worse than what the tree showed me. Kiri was convulsing. I swam to her inhaling water when I tried to call her name, pulling her to the surface as fast as I could. Netayum was beside me quickly pulling Kiri onto his Ilu, he began preforming CPR. I grabbed her wrist keeping check of her pulse.

The moment she coughed up water I helped him adjust her so he could caffy her safely.

"Go! I'll call ahead. Netayum get her out of the water." I ordered. He left with no second thoughts.

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