Nume kop Tskxekeng

392 16 36

The light tunnel.
The light tunnel that told me I was now back in Hells Gate and in my human body.

I opened my eyes and a blurry thing quickly passed over my face. I blinked, a few hundred times, as my eyes focused on the thing above me. After a moment of the movement above my face I could see clearly it was a hand.

"There she is. Come on Remy wake up." Grace chuckled.

I blinked and looked around.

"Jake?" I asked. She smiled and looked over her shoulder.
He soon rolled his way over to me, smiling happily as he reached out to me for a high-five.

"We survived." He chuckled.

I reached out punching his hand. "I can't swim, jackass!" I smirked at him.

"Saved us didn't I?" He laughed.

I got out of the link fully and began making my way to my room to sleep off the exhaustion. Before I was grabbed at the back of the neck and pushed in another direction.

"Come on. We need, to have a talk about keeping you two alive." Grace chuckled as she pulled me back to herself.

I playfully shrugged her off looking behind us to see Jake and Max moving to catch up and Norm ever so slowly moving to catch up.

"Come on Norm!" I called out to him.

He looked at me, a frown in place. I frowned back. The rest of us made our way to get dinner and then sleep. I smiled as I sat down with just a cup of coffee and a cup of hot cocoa.

"You need to actually eat something." Jake spoke up shoveling food in his face as he looked over my cups.

"I'll have you know. If I actually eat before bed, I won't sleep. The cocoa is soothing agent, the coffee is for my caffeine crash. No quicker way to get me to sleep than the deadly combo. Or a hard day's work, and I have had an exciting day so..." I looked at him with raised eyebrow in silent challenge daring him to touch one of the cups as I started drinking.

Sporting a smile Jake rose his hands in mock surrender and began chatting with Grace explaining how we escaped and how we didn't die, almost died, and evaded death again.

We were sent to record immediately after eating.
I practically danced to my room wishing Jake a goodnight and Norm as well, but he had already locked himself in his room.

I went straight to my camera set up and picked up my spinner as I turned the camera on.

"I don't care for the date entry. But I did it. I met them, and they let me stay. And now me and Jake are to be trained by them. I assume I'll be joining Tsu'tey and his small hunter trainers. But, I will do this. I got this. Me, Grace, Norm, Jake and Trudy got this. But man oh man am I glad I left my shoes in the Avatar Cabin. Wet socks are the worst thing in existence!" I scoffed when I was done with my vocal dump.

"But, now to make sense of the word vomit." I chuckled spinning my fidget spinner. "We went to the school to collect some supplies by order of doctor Augustine. Norm and Grace were looking over some samples after we left the school/storage space."

I left my camera for a moment grabbing my notebook and pencil.
"Me and Jake found some Loreyu and we just poked at a few. But the 'Angtsìk baby felt we were to close." I giggled, as I began drawing the fin above the baby creatures head.
"I can imagine a deep voice, baby talking angrily and just screaming "Go away or else!" And it is hilarious." I closed my book and gave my spinner another flick.

"Right. Space baby rhino charged us. Then Jake was taunting the already running baby. Until he found out why, the Palulukan has its name. And next thing I know, we are hauling ass through the best rainforest in existence." I sighed.
I leaned back in my seat a moment watching the ceiling.

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