Aynga Kame

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I awoke to pounding on my door. It took me a moment to realize I fell asleep, it took me longer to realize where I was, I looked around and it clicked, I was still in my small bunk in Hellsgate.

I smiled, then I realized I fell asleep with my camera on. My small victory of not leaving my dream world was ruined as my panic settled.


I ran for the desk momentarily forgetting I was on my bed, the itchy blanket tangling around my naked feet, before pulling me harshly to the ground, the low gravity having no effect in slowing my crash, and the rolling chair helping even less so as I grappled for something to keep me up right.

"Shit. Remy, you alright in there?" The muffled voice of Jake flew through my door with a tremble of laughter to it.

I fought my blanket off making my way to the door, my forgotten notebook slowing my process and harshly stealing my feet from under me again as I landed on my chin, my teeth giving an audible click as I hugged the ground.

Standing, looking my floor over and patting my face as I woke up fully and made sure nothing else would trip me. I made my way to my door opening it to see Jake and Norm talking quietly as I soothed the pain in my chin.

"...No. It's, definitely a sturmbeast." Norm spoke as both men turned to me smiling as innocently as cats.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh. Norm was explaining to me the space bull you were fighting in there." Jake smiled, as he spun his chair to face the mess hall rolling off with a laugh.

"Ha, ha, hahaha. Oh kiss off! I'm not a morning person!" I argued grabbing my flats and pulling them on as I hopped after the two. I stopped after pulling on my other flat and ran back into my room. I turned off my camera on my desk and took off, closing the door.

"You were up before me yesterday," Jake stated matter of factly when I caught up.

"Can't wake up, if I'm not sleep," I grumbled holding his wheelchair handles and pulling him back a step, before taking off in a jog down the hall.
"Later losers!"

I smiled as I made my way into the cafeteria, nightlife leaving and the morning shift pouring in.

I stepped to the side letting them pass before walking in, and into someone.
Miles Quaritch stood before me a frown on his face, but it slowly melted into a slight smile, type thing, like the Joker trying to frown around his permanent smile.

It made my skin crawl, then he placed a hand on my shoulder a warning if I don't move he'll help me, making the feeling worse. Don't get me wrong, if he didn't do the shit I know he does later, I wouldn't mind him he's easy on the eyes. But the man is the definition of the word bloodthirsty, a cute bloodthirsty war dog... with rabies... and coal for a heart, and everyone looks like bacon.
His smile-ish, look then aimed over my shoulder and dropped as Grace made her way in.

I looked at the bridge of his nose close to his forehead to seem like I was making some sort of eye contact and forced my lips into a smile, he turned and walked out almost jogging in irritation.
I flinched back at the quick movement, but laughed it off, as did he, both our laughs obviously fake to all.

He then left, and I felt like I needed to cut my arm off now and bathe in bleach. I shuddered when he was out of the room and pretended to gag.
"I think I lost my appetite." I groaned.

"Let's get some food and then you can head to the link with us. Bathe in some acid later, you're fine." Norm chuckled walking past me.
As I used my other hand to wipe furiously where the lunatic touched me.

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