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We all made our way to the roots of home tree.

"Sätsìl, vaykrr wutso." Tsu'tey ordered.

Everyone groaned lightly but our teacher gave them little time to be upset. He took off up the side of Hometree like Spiderman, when he reached our newly destined branch he called down to us. It was incredible watching him scale the tree so easily.

A hand on my back disrupted my focus on our teacher as I was ushered to the tree.

I began climbing, my poor feet will never forgive me as I used what little physics I knew to apply my weight onto the tree, push off and pull up all in one go. I didn't make it very far before I ran low on air.

I managed to hold onto a vine and let myself rest for a moment. I caught my breath and began climbing again, but I slipped, grabbing the vine I rested on not too long ago I managed to swing into the tree and avoid my imminent death by gravity.

I slammed into the tree, the bark digging with no remorse. I took in a sharp breath as I regained my footing using the vine to pull myself up again.

"YEAH WHOOO WHOO! GO REMY!" A voice shouted. I looked around and there he was, my new cheerleader, Jake standing on the second platform branch of Hometree clapping. In the higher area cheering me on.
"YOU GOT THIS KID. MEET YOU ON THE BRANCH!" He called out laughing as he vanished from view.

I scoffed and growled as I pulled myself up, slight specks of blood trailing to my feet as I climbed. Eclipse began to fall as I made it to my first check mark.

Jake stood on the branch smiling as he pulled me up the rest of the way. Neytiri stood behind him, her eyes curious as she watched him in his excitement.

"Come on kid. They just passed you. I think they stopped on the next branch." He chuckled looking up from the hole in the tree.
I followed his eyes and saw, my class was indeed on the branch above me. Smiles on every face, but a frown on my teachers.

"Make it back to eat and have the best nap of your life." He smiled as he held up a fist to me. "Come on kid. Hoorah!" He smiled with his soft cheer.

I glared at him a smile falling into place soon after.
"Hoorah... jackass." I scoffed as I made my way back to a good climbing spot. And I was off again, just a bit more air in me as I climbed, a bit more daring as I reached for vines further and further spread out.

"SRANE RREMI!" Chorused my training companions as I finally reached the branch they stood on, the branch of victory.
I smiled as I stood and stretched a bit.
Our teacher stood a few feet away from our small cheering group. Had I looked over, I would have seen that small ounce of a happy smile, I may have even seen his ears perk a bit in pride, had I not been so happy, I would have heard his small huff of laughter.

"Now, we go to meal." Tsu'tey announced after he let us celebrate for a moment.
The bark usually in his words lessened but still there.

We all still had smiles on our faces as we went to go eat at Hometree and I gave a weak smile complaining in my head as we went up the spiral step like branches to the eating area the fire glowing along with the bioluminescent things, reminiscent of hall lights.

"Hey! You didn't die. Up top!" Jake cheered as I made my way to sit.

"You do know you give off embarrassing kin vibes right?" I asked as I pushed his hand away.

"Whatever. Your just upset my teachers prettier and nicer." Jake scoffed with a laugh as he handed me a leaf wrap stuffed with vegetables. I kicked at his legs lightly and laughed when he fell after trying to catch himself and step on his tail.

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