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I drank a few cups but I perked up hearing the people cheering. I smiled seeing Toruk as he took to the skies.

I stood on shaky legs watching the Ikran Makto take off. I watched as everyone began to bustle and move, the warriors scattered to the winds and everyone else set up places, for eating sleeping and speaking.

I made my way to the tree the Avatar and Human body still there. I took note of the mask on the ground and how still both sat.

"Damnit Grace. We had time." I sighed sitting next to her.

I watched Mo'at as she approached me slowly.

"You knew?" She asked.

"About everything. I wanted to stop it, to save them. Had I just-"

"You tried. You tried, and the great mother balanced it. But now, now what will you do?" She asked me.

I watched as Na'vi came to take the small dead human away leaving the brain dead living Avatar.
"I told her if she lived I would do nothing stupid. Now. Now I can do anything I want caution to the wind." I smiled sadly. Gritting my teeth I started walking.

I stood and left the bowl shaped earth we sat in, I climbed the walls and called out. Soon my girl was beside me. "Come on. Let us keep tradition alive." I hummed to her as I took up my knife and we flew.

We flew over the mountains and towards the plumes of smoke in the sky. We landed and I made my way to the dead tree that was once home to many generations.

I froze as another Ikran flew to me.

"Ma Tsu'tey. Kempe si fitsenge nganew?" I asked as he dismounted.

"What you doing?" He asked.

"I am a hunter. As a hunter I am allowed to make my bow from the wood of Hometree... even if it not home for us anymore." I stated.

He smiled as I turned to find proper wood. He helped me, and for the day, finding the wood for my bow was easy, many splinters of Hometree were available and the piece I chose had some dry paint on it, the pattern of the splatter made me smile.
I took caution in carving my bow, and once Tsu'tey showed me how to string it, it was done. We returned to the spirit tree Norm greeted us.

"Look at you!" He chuckled.

"Oh yeah. I'm the baddest Na'vi Avatar on this moon. Too bad I'm already shown up." I sighed playfully.

I turned to Tsu'tey smiling thanking him again for my new bow and he left to greet the scouting parties that slowly trickled into camp.

"So? You already know about Grace." Norm sighed.

"Yeah. Was just hoping it would have changed." I smiled tightly.

"Well. Can't change everything. Deja vu is just seeing what's already happened right, and then it happens in real life." Norm hummed.

"Yeah. I need to find Trudy." I hummed standing.

"This way." He smiled. We made our way into the the surrounding forests and soon came upon their camp.

I ran to hug Trudy when she left the cabin.

"Oh thank God. I've been trying to get a hold of you all day!" She chuckled.

I pulled the smaller woman into a hug again before dragging her to the Samson.

"I need to learn this." I stated pointing to the gun.

She cackled. I watched as she climbed in and Norm climbed onto the other side.

He soon emerged with a mic unit. I smiled slipping mine around my neck.

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