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Travel was not as easy as I thought. But as we flew we passed many beautiful places in the jungle, places I will never be able to explore again. As we flew I would fly higher than everyone one else a moment and just scream.

Jake reassured them I was fine and just getting it out of my system. He was right to an extent, but the longer we flew the more the trees began to vanish the more angry I felt. It turned to fear when I saw we flew above nothing but water. Having not learned to swim now seeming like a more terrifying thought.

We flew in tighter formation when  the storms kicked in, soon we made it to a small island to rest and I curled into Tsu'tey as the storm raged around us. He held my head close covering my ears and that night we all slept close together. When the sun shone on us we had light snacks and again took to the skies.

I felt almost sea sick as we flew above mountains, my social anxiety rising as Jake gave a yipp to Tsu'tey and he motioned for us to land on the small beach clearing. We flew almost gliding as the reef Na'vi gave calls in alarm and confusion, a horn was blown and many swam to shore. We landed and as we did I got a better look at our surroundings. The reef people were so different but still just the same.

The frame of them much broader than ours, their eyes even larger than even the pure bread Na'vi in the forest, their stripes and skin a lighter blue almost a light turquoise, their ears were smaller, and their tails seemed almost like paddles as they swam to greet us.

"Be cool." Jake told us as we dismounted.
"On me." He called gently.

I latched on to Tsu'tey as he followed Jake closely.

"Be nice." Neytiri warned her children as she pulled Tuk closer.

I stayed behind Tsu'tey as a Na'vi jumped over our heads, landing gis flying fish, then slowly walking to be on the sand. Most of the older reef Na'vi were decorated in some shape or size of tattoos, the man before us bore the most of them all.

"I see you Tonowari Olo'eytkan of the Metkayina. I am Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan." Tsu'tey greeted.

"I see you Tonowari Olo'eytkan, I am Tsyameysya te Tskaha Mo'at'ite." I copied.
He greeted us then Jake stepped forward and he greeted the man and introduced his family.

But all greetings haulted a moment as a woman approached us. Like the Olo'eytkan she was decorated heavily. She watched us all closely as we all greeted her.

"I see you. Ronal Tsahìk of the Metkayina." Jake spoke first we all copied his words. The woman walked around us almost sneering as she passed.
I hugged myself as Jake and Tsu'tey began speaking. Keeping Ronal in the corner of my eye as she weaved between my family.

"We seek Uturu." Jake spoke opening his arms in a show of nom threatening nature.

"Uturu?" The Tsahìk asked in almost disgust.

"Yes. Sanctuary for my family." Jake elaborated.

I inched closer to my mate as the eyes of the shaman bore into every scar I had. I tucked my hands under my arms as she passed me.

"We are reef people. You are forest, your skills will mean nothing here." Tonowari spoke his voice carried over the crowd.

"We will learn. We will learn all that you show us." Tsu'tey offered.

I glared at the sand I stood on. Looks like I'm breaking promises, there's no way in hell I'm going into the ocean.

I flinched away feeling something pull my tail, I turned seeing Ronal do the same to Neytiri, my sister turned a hiss buried in her throat as the Tsahìk passed us.

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