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A month after my water panic I steared clear of the water a bit... a lot.
Everyone noticed. The forest woman scared of water. But who cares I don't need to be out there yet there are plenty of things on land to entertain me.

And I know this because of what I found on the beach when I was walking with Tsu'tey to clear my head after a harsh nap.

"Stop! This is so stupid! Stop it!"

"Ow! My ear!"

"Aaugh! My tail!"

"HEY!" I shouted over the commotion. I pulled the boys off of Lo'ak by the ears, then I pulled my nephew by the neck along with Aunong.

They both tried breaking free.

"Stop." I snarled at them both they froze as I dug my fingers into their necks a bit. I looked over to see Tsu'tey holding Netayum and another reef boy by the arms.
"What happened?" I asked baring my fangs still.

"Fish lips was-"

"No. Lo'ak." Enunciated shaking him a bit.

Aunong snarled and I did the same to him.

I let both boys go and shoved Aunong forward.
"Your lucky your not mine!" I warned the boy as he stumbled off with his friends.

"You two. Your dad is going to skin you alive. Move!" I hissed.

I looked to Kiri. She was watching the sand, her eyes met mine for a millisecond but that was it, I took a calming breath and wtched her a moment.

"Come on." I told the girl.
I faced my mate patting him on the shoulder.
"Make sure Jake won't kill them. They are in trouble but... pity the boys." I hummed.

He chuckled. "Take care." He smiled following our nephews.

I pulled Kiri by the arm and started walking.
She smiled a bit when she saw we were headed to the Ikran. I smiled calling out for Saza in the tropical almost forest. She lept to me happily.

"Hi honey." I cooed. "Kiri call your boy." I spoke in the same baby voice. She chuckled a bit and did as told.
We situated our saddles and adjusted the straps on them giving our Ikran the attention they have lacked for a while.

"Now we climb." I hummed letting Saza return to her perch.

"What?" Kiri asked.
I smiled at her.
I backed away and started to leap at the tree, slowly making my way up.
"Kiri. Come up." I smiled as I climbed higher and higher. She followed me in confusion.

When we reached a good height I began moving us further into the trees until the beach was gone from sight.
I found a good branch and sat down with my niece.

"What are we doing here?" She asked with a small smile.

"Shhh. Close your eyes and breath. Just deep breaths." I whispered.

And again she did as told we sat in silence a moment until her hand tapped mine.
"Do you feel that?" She asked me.

"Feel what? Describe it." I hummed as she leaned into the tree we sat on.
She took another breath.

"It's just... Eywa. I can't describe it Auntie but... I-" She opened her eyes a sad frown on her face.
I sat closer to her tossing an arm over her.

"I get it. The great mother. You feel safe, like she is holding you close. Like a mother cuddling you telling you everything is fine. Right?" I asked.
She shook her head no, shrugged then nodded before sniffling she turned to hug me tight.
Then she froze her headb on my chest.

"That!" She gasped.

"Tell me."

"Like her heart is beating all around me. Like she's here, but I can't see her, but she is." Kiri hummed.

Lehìpey Unil Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora