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I got out of my link bed looking over everyone else. Grace's brain activity was slowed down and so was Norm's. Jake's was just starting to calm down.

I smiled as I grabbed his chair and moved it an inch forward, and went to the sleeping cabin for a quick shower and food.

When I got out, I started making food like Grace usually does. I watched the window seeing Trudy doing lazy day maintenance on her Samson.

I started heating some of the colored food mush and made a pot of hot cocoa. Trudy came in after almost an hour, the others leaving their link beds and coming to eat.

Jake wheeled over as if he aimed to run over my foot, but he pulled back last minute, going to the table as if he didn't threaten me.

"How the hell have you two survived without adult supervision?" Trudy hummed as Norm sat next to her, and Grace made her way to me, taking over the food as I finished hot chocolate.

"Skill." I smiled, pointing to myself. "Dumb luck." I pointed to Jake.
"And we are both pretty badass." I shrugged, serving up the mugs.

"She's not wrong." Jake chuckled, eating a frown on his face after the first bite.

I ate my food and drank a cup of hot cocoa. I got a few looks, but no one questioned the drink, and we were all off to bed when we finished.

I woke up a good feel to my day, and Jake was up with me. He smiled, getting into his chair.
"Ready?" He smiled.

"For what?" I asked as we raced to set up our links. Jake smiled bigger.

"He didn't say?" He asked, pressing a few buttons, bringing Beulah to life.

"Say what? Speak plain or don't speak at all." I huffed.
He smiled, going into his link. I glared as I got into mine.

Opening my eyes, I was greeted by my teacher. He sat on the branch above me, facing me. I got out of bed, and we wordlessly walked to breakfast.

I sat with my found friends as the food was being passed around. Our teachers spoke in hushed whispers as we ate watching them.

Soon after, the meal was cleaned, and we were individually called away. I was paired with the only English speaker while the others were taken away. I grabbed my bow, and we were off.

Into the trees, and further out.
"No more help. Today, I observe." He spoke as we landed on a particularly high branch.

I smiled at this, but it didn't last long. He wanted me to kill something now. I sighed as he stood watching me.

'Oh, shit he meant now, now.' I thought as I began climbing down the tree and looked around.

I took in a deep breath as many scents hit me at once. Having the practice to identify them safely and the teachings to hunt, I sniffed the air again and looked for tracks.

I stopped and listened as we came upon a small pond. I stood on the balls of my feet as I looked at the water, listening for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing.

A small sniff. Natang, Pa'li, Ikranay... I glared at the water, finding every scent but the one I wanted. After seeing nothing was coming, I went to the edge of the still water.

I looked at the indents in the mud. The tracks only matching the smells in the air.  I groaned internally at this. But I had to keep my distress to myself.

I stood slowly, keeping my eyes moving, and my ears perked. I made my way into the tree my mentor following me with not a sound from him. I inched along the branch slowly and evenly startling nothing as we went. I was happy Tsu'tey no longer questioned my approach to these things.

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