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I sat in my safe space under the table. The storm carrying into the morning and looked like it would stay for the day.

"I don't think the storm hit the Omatikaya yet." Grace hummed, handing me a cup of coffee and preserved food.

I was still under the table and watched her feet shuffle about the room until she sprinted from her spot and vanished from sight. I chuckled as she pulled Jake back to the table, locking his wheels in place.

"Eat then link." She ordered him firmly.
"Jesus, you two and those bodies. One more meal skip attempt and I'm grounding you. Your teachers will understand. But they have to wait longer if you keep trying to run from me." Grace huffed, setting a plate on the table.

She then crouched beside him, watching me. Her eyes flickered between us both in silent question. I shrugged. She frowned but rolled her eyes before standing up.

"Ow!" Jake hissed after she stood.

I crawled from my hiding place and put my dishes away before making my way to the link cabin. I set up my link as she followed, hovering over my shoulder and letting me do it on my own. When she was satisfied that I would be fine, she left to force-feed, Jake.

The moment she left, a harsh clap of thunder struck shaking the entire cabin, and the lightning that followed was blinding. I fell to the floor with a scream, waiting for the shaking to stop and the repetitive light show to go away.

Hands wrapped around mine, covering my ears and tucking my head into my chest.
The light and shaking stopped, and I was released. I sighed, standing as Jake smiled at me. Grace stood behind him, watching me.

"Let's get outta here." He sniffed as he turned to his pod. I got in my bed as Grace got him set up, closing the lid and almost slamming it. Opening my eyes, I frowned.

The air smelled like rain. The storm was on its way here sooner than we thought.

I made my way down and saw a few of the hunters gathering items.

"Come. Help." Reo spoke up, taking my arm as he passed. "Yrrp kllza'u pxiye'rìn."  He warned, handing me a few stones. I followed him as he held a large tarp in his hands.

We came upon a large area of supplies. He took the rope and dropped the tarp. He gathered the items on the ground as more Na'vi piled on the items. He tied them together, setting them in a small pile, I began copying him. Soon enough, everything we were handed was in a neat pile, and he lay the tarp over the top of it all pointing to the stones I had. He slammed them into the ground so they for sure wouldn't move when the heavy winds hit.

I watched the common area as everyone gathered the items that would be stored for the monstrosity coming our way. The rain hit us first, the thunder rumbling lowly after.

I stumbled into the Olo'eytkan once, and he didn't seem to notice as he simply held my arm in a strong yet gentle grip keeping me standing. He was herding the children into the eating level when the smallest was past us, he guided me as he let go of my arm an motioned me to follow. I did so, giving a small scream as the lightning struck.

"Remy!" Someone called. I looked around and saw Grace moving between the children who sat waiting for their parents to return.

"Did you see Jake and Norm?" She asked as I made my way over.
"The hunters are going to gather some water and keep it close by around the base of Hometree." She explained as the hunters with us ran out. "Then we're going to keep the kids occupied and in the eating area. These heavy storms are normal here, but I need you to stay with me and the kids." Grace spoke, tossing an arm over my shoulders.

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