Chapter Twenty-One: From Dreams To Reality

Start from the beginning

Viserion pins my wrists with one hand, the other sliding between my thighs, to where I ache for him. I twist and writhe, helpless, hips moving as his fingers work me in a relentless rhythm, setting my whole body afire.
"Viserion," I gasp.
"What do you need, my love?" He asks, pressing a tender kiss to my thigh.
"I... I need you." I manage out as the pleasure from his fingers spreads through me. Viserion centers himself between my legs, and I cry out as he drives into me, filling me, overwhelming me.
"How I love to make you scream," Viserion whispers. His nails trace burning bracks along my thighs, making me moan.
"You like when I am wicked, don't you?" Viserion asks slowly, "You see the darkness in me, and you hunger for it." I nod rapidly as Viserion quickens, my breath catching in my lungs. He bends down to lick teasingly along my collarbone, then sinks his teeth into the tender skin of my neck. I writhe beneath him, the sharp prick of his teeth sending shocks of heat racing beneath my skin. Viserion's voice is a growl as he commands my body to move with his in an increasingly desperate climb upward.
"You're mine, Alora." Viserion whispers, "I'll never let you go again." His lips capture mine, his tongue wandering my mouth as I entwine my fingers in his hair. Pain edges into the pleasure, launching me to new heights and making me breathless, senseless.
"More, please," I gasp through our kisses.
"That's it, Alora. Come for me." On command, I shatter like glass, gasping and wordless, clutching Viserion for dear life.

It feels like hours before the shudders subside and I come back to myself. Viserion strokes my hair idly, smiling.
"That was..." I don't know the word to describe what I mean, so I just roll onto my side and kiss him.
"That, my love, was only the beginning." Viserion replies. The night air chills the sweat on my skin, and Viserion draws me up and under the blankets as we catch our breath.
"My love will not wax and wane with the moon, Alora." He says, eyes gazing into mine, "I will remain unchanged as long as you live. Tell me you do not have doubts. That you will stay here and rule beside me." There's a worried crease between his brows. I press a kiss there, soothing it away.
"My home is here now. With you. Wherever you are." I reply. Relieved, Viserion nestles me closer, cradling me in the security of his arms.
"And I shall never tire of hearing it."

Two Weeks Later...

    The carriage wheels rattle over the uneven mountain of road, making my seat rock beneath me. My fingers worry at the already-frayed seat cushion.
    "You're sure it's alright?" I ask. Viserion looks up from his book, one eyebrow arching at the anxious look on my face.
    "We could turn back if you'd like... though this road is quite narrow, and I for one don't relish the thought of telling a score of road-weary nobles to backtrack all the way down the mountain. Besides," Viserion smirks, "last night you seemed quite excited at the prospect of attending a coronation and grand ball on the arm of a prince." I can't help but smile a little at the mischief dancing in Viserion's eyes, but it fails to banish the knot of worry in my stomach.
    "I was... I am, but this isn't just a party. We're welcoming Princess Guinevere and looking for Fae nobles who may want to join the Moon Court. And it's a hard sell, considering we're a High Court of three."
    "Three?" Viserion asks, "Last I checked, we were at least two dozen." I roll my eyes.
    "I keep telling you, your ravens don't count."
    "Actually, they can count quite well. Some can even do math." Viserion replies, a hint of amusement on his face. He leans across the carriage, taking both my hands in his.
    "Beloved, the whole point of going to this wretched coronation is to show everyone that you belong among the Fae. And..." Viserion sighs, "as the Night Prince, I'm forced to go welcome the new heir."
    "But–" Viserion smiles easily.
    "But nothing. Anyone who cannot see you for the magnificent jewel you are is not worthy of my court. Understood?" He asks. I take a deep breath and nod.
    "Understood, My Prince."
    "Good." Viserion sits back in his seat, glancing out the window, "Now, we have nearly half a day's ride until we reach the estate. Perhaps I can take your mind off of..." He trails off, frowning... and a moment later I feel it too. The earth shakes beneath us, a rumble that grows steadily louder, punctuated by screams and the sound of splintering wood.
    "What's going on out there?" I ask quickly. Viserion draws back the curtain for me to see, and my heart stops short as I see the massive boulder careening down the mountain slope, heading right for our carriage.
    "Vis–" There's an explosion of black feathers, a rush of wind, and then a crash as Viserion yanks me from my seat, wraps his wings around me, and bears us straight through the roof of the carriage. I look down in horror as a torrent of massive boulders smashes through our caravan, sending carriages and their passengers tumbling down the mountainside like so much gilded shrapnel.
    "Was it an earthquake?" I ask. Viserion does not answer, and I feel him go rigid in my arms. Looking up, I see his face frozen in a mask of confusion and rage.
    "No... not an earthquake. Something worse." I follow Viserion's gaze upward to where a section of mountainside has been hewn cleanly away, as if by a blade. My blood chills as I look at the glass-smooth stone left behind, where someone has carved a message in letters ten feet high...

                                THE ECLIPSE COMES
                     AND BOTH COURTS SHALL BURN.

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