48. We have to stay here

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"They made me an offer, a real offer to work in the main office, and I want to take it, I want us to move to New York" Louis declared.

"No" Harry shook his head.

"Just no? You're not going to give me a chance to explain why I want to take the offer?" Louis questioned.

"No, because we're not moving to another country where we have no support system at all, where we don't even know anyone" Harry told his husband as he drove home.

"We can figure it out" Louis told him.

"If it was just us, I would consider it, but you're pregnant, Louis, and we have a one year old" Harry argued.

"Exactly, we have a family that we need to support, and if I don't take this offer we're both out of a job; because I either take the offer or I'm fired just like you, and what do we do then?" Louis dared.

"We'll get new jobs".

"Where? The economy is shit right now in this country, there have been massive lay offs everywhere, who will hire us? And what do we do in the meantime?" Louis dared.

"We have savings for a reason, and if I have to wait tables to support us, then I'll do it, I don't care" Harry said determinately.

"Harry, this is a great opportunity not just financially speaking, but for my career" Louis considered "And once we're there, you can get a job too".

"Couldn't you ask to stay here?" Harry questioned.

"Of course I did, but they said no, at least not for now" Louis replied.

"For now?" Harry asked.

"They're projecting that in 3 years or so they will grow this branch again, and they'll want me back here then, but for now they only want me in New York" Louis explained.

"Can't someone else go to New York?" Harry questioned.

"I mean, yes... but if I don't go I still can't stay at the company, either I go to New York or I'm out of a job" Louis shrugged.

"That doesn't make any sense".

"I know, but that's what they're offering, I guess somehow it makes sense to them".

"We can't go, Lou" Harry insisted "We have to stay here".

"If there was a good offer on the table for us to stay, then I'd choose to stay, but there's not" Louis said flatly.

"New York is expensive, a lot more expensive than London" Harry told him.

"They're offering 3 times my current salary plus benefits, which means healthcare insurance for me, you and Elena, and the baby once they're born" Louis explained "And we also get free housing for the first two months while we sort out a proper place to live".

Harry stayed quiet while he processed what Louis was saying, until he thought of something else.

"America is dangerous, kids get shot in schools" Harry pointed out.

"We'd be back in 3 years, just in time for Elena to start school here in England" Louis explained.

"What if they don't send you back after three years?" Harry dared.

"Then I look for a job somewhere else in England and we come back anyway" Louis told him "I promise that if we go, whatever happens, we won't stay longer than 3 years".

"What about maternity leave... that's not a thing there, will you just go back to work a week after giving birth?" Harry questioned.

"They said they'd give me two months paid maternity leave as a company benefit, and then I'd be able to work from home a few times a week if needed" Louis explained.

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