23. Will he go to jail?

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After the police officer left, Louis was taken from the room to get a CT scan, which left Harry alone in the room, because he wasn't allowed to go with him.

That was the first time that he checked his phone since they arrived, and he realized he had 3 missed calls from work an email, asking where he had been all afternoon.

Harry knew he had fucked up by not telling anyone where he had gone, but everything had happened too fast to even think about it.

So he sent an email that he was sure no one would see until tomorrow, because it was after office hours by now, apologizing for disappearing like that and explaining that he had had a family emergency. He also requested to take the next few days off to keep tending to the emergency, as he had plenty of vacation time he had not taken.

They brought Louis back shortly, and he seemed desperate to hold Harry's hand again.

"Everything okay?" Harry asked.

"I think so" Louis mumbled "But I didn't like not having you with me".

"I'm with you now" Harry assured him.

Louis nodded, and closed his eyes while he still held Harry's hand, so Harry just pulled a chair to be able to sit next to the bed.

"Lou" Harry spoke.

"Yeah?" Louis asked as he turned his head.

"We need to call your family, they need to know what happened" Harry told him.

But Louis shook his head.

"Lou, they love you and the baby so much" Harry insisted.

"I'm embarrassed" Louis whispered.

"You have no reason to be embarrassed" Harry assured him "None of what happened is your fault".

"But I stayed with him all this time, he was violent and he didn't treat me well, but I stayed anyway" Louis said as tears fell from his eyes "Everyone told me he was an asshole, and I knew he was, but I still stayed".

"He was manipulative, and he took advantage of your kindness" Harry said as he held Louis' hand between both of his.

"I hate him, I hate him so much for what he did" Louis said as he cried again.

"Don't think about him, he's no one, he doesn't deserve one more second of your time or your tears" Harry said determinately.

Louis sniffled, and Harry gave him a tissue paper, and Louis used it to carefully wipe his face.

"Harry?" Louis suddenly asked.

"Yeah?" Harry asked back.

"How bad does my face look now?" Louis wondered "Because it was bad when I was in the bathroom but I feel it's worse now".

"It's not that bad, and it will all heal and you'll be good as new" Harry said wanting to be positive.

"I just don't want my parents to be scared when they see me" Louis explained.

"Your parents will just be happy to know you're okay" Harry assured him, and offered his phone "So call them, yeah?".

Louis nodded, and took the phone and called his mum. Harry stayed there, and listened as he Louis told his mum that he was okay, but that he was at the hospital, and no, not because he was labor, because Chris hurt him.

It didn't take long for Louis' parents to show up at the hospital, and Harry immediately saw the shock in their their eyes when they say Louis, despite the fact that they tried to hide it.

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