16. Doesn't he have a job now?

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"Hey" Harry smiled when he got in Louis' car "Are you okay?".

"Better now" Louis replied "Should I drive us to your flat?".

"Yeah" Harry agreed "Unless you want me to drive? If you're upset?".

"No, driving relaxes me" Louis declared.

"Alright" Harry smiled again.

"I didn't interrupt, right? You were really going home soon?" Louis asked looking worried.

"I was" Harry confirmed.

That wasn't true. Christmas Eve at the Styles' was not a big deal, but it was a tradition. They usually started in the afternoon baking and decorating cooking, then they watched Christmas movies, and had dinner all together.

Harry had done all of that, as when Louis called they had finished having dinner. But tradition told that after dinner they had to eat the cookies they had decorated earlier while watching another movie, and that's what Harry had to skip. Freya and Axel had not been happy to see their uncle leave, but Harry promised he would be back the next day for Christmas morning traditions.

"Happy birthday, by the way" Harry said "I didn't think I'd get to say in person today".

"Thanks, Harry" Louis replied.

"So was it that bad with Lottie?" Harry wondered.

"Yes" Louis confirmed "She really hurt me".

"I'm sorry, Lou".

"I just... I get she doesn't like Chris, but it's a baby, why wouldn't she be happy for a baby? It's not like she has to take care of them" Louis explained "And she's my sister of all people".

"I'm sure it's just the first reaction" Harry considered "She'll be happy about the baby eventually".

"I'm just angry that she decided to ruin my birthday and my announcement like this, now it's all I'm going to think about when I look back into this day" Louis sighed.

"What about Chris? Why did you fight with him?" Harry questioned.

"Because he didn't want to go to dinner at my parents house because he says they don't like him" Louis shook his head "It made me so mad that he's not capable of putting my need in front of his own, specially today".

"I'm glad you still went to dinner" Harry said.

"I'm not sure I'm glad I went after how it ended" Louis considered "That's why I didn't want to go home, I'm still upset, and if I told Chris what happened, he was going to tell me that he was right and that I shouldn't have gone, that and the fact that I'm still mad at him".

"The fact that Lottie didn't react well doesn't mean you shouldn't have gone, you said your parents had a good reaction".

"I don't know if good is the right word, but at least they were nice about it"

"That's still good" Harry offered.

"Yeah, I guess" Louis sighed "I wish everyone was as excited as I was".

"No one will ever be as excited as you, you're the mum" Harry pointed out.

"Yeah..." Louis admitted "Anyway, I need a distraction, tell me about your day, what was going on at Styles' house?".

Harry explained about the cookies they baked, the movies they watched, and how excited he was to see the kids open their presents tomorrow morning.

When they arrived at Harry's flat, they went upstairs, and Louis decided he wanted to lay down, so he did that on the couch.

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