45. Yes, sir

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Harry had been asking his sister for months to let him meet her boyfriend, who she had been dating for almost a year now, but she always refused.

But that Saturday night was the day that that would change, because Gemma had accepted his invitation to dinner at his and Louis' place and she was bringing her boyfriend.

"I know you're protective of your sister and her kids, but you need to be nice to him, Harry" Louis warned him.

"I will be" Harry replied.

"Promise?" Louis asked looking unsure.

"I promise" Harry nodded "I want my sister to be happy, and if this lad makes her happy and is not an asshole, which she says he's not, then I will be very nice".

"Okay" Louis accepted.

The buzzer of the flat went off about 30 minutes later, and Harry buzzed his sister in when she announced herself, and then waited for her to ring the doorbell.

When she did that, he opened the door to find her standing there with a man next to her. To be honest, Harry already knew what he looked like, because Gemma had showed him a picture of him after Harry insisted, but it was always different to meet someone in person.

"Hey" Harry smiled as he let them in "I'm so happy you made it".

"Thanks, Harry" Gemma said as they went inside "Uhm,.. this is Leo, and Leo, this is Harry".

"It's nice to finally meet you" Leo said and offered his hand.

"Nice to meet you too" Harry said back as he shook his hand "Gemma's been hiding you for way too long".

"I was going to say the same thing about you" Leo pointed out.

"I haven't been hiding anyone" Gemma rolled her eyes.

"Hi! Welcome!" Louis said as he came up to them, and he was holding Leni in his arms, who was ready for bed in her stripped pink and white pijamas.

"Hi!" Gemma said happily, and reached for Elena, and Louis gave her to her aunt "Oh my goodness Leni, look how cute you look in your jammies".

"Hi, I'm Louis, I'm Harry's husband" Louis introduced himself "It's great to meet you".

"You too, I'm Leo" Leo said back as he shook Louis' hand too.

"And this is Elena" Gemma said showing the off the 11 month old "Isn't she cute?".

"Very cute" Leo smiled "Hi, Elena".

Elena looked at him, and waved her little hand for less than a second, but then she brought it to her face and yawned as she rubbed her eyes

"Are you sleepy, darling?" Gemma asked softly.

"She is, she should actually be in bed already, so I'm gonna take her to bed while Harry offers you something to drink" Louis decided.

"Alright, Goodnight, Leni, sweet dreams" Gemma said and gave her to her mum.

Louis walked away with the baby, and Harry told Gemma and Leo to go ahead and sit, and asked what they wanted to drink, and then went to get that for them.

"You flat is great" Leo said after Harry came back with the drinks.

"Oh thanks" Harry replied "What I like most is the location".

"I like it here too, I live 10 minutes walking from here" Leo commented.


"Yeah" Leo confirmed.

"Do you live on your own or...?" Harry asked, because he didn't know much about Leo.

"On my own, yes... well, with my dog" Leo explained.

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