26. Don't wait until it's too late

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The doctor had finally told Louis that he didn't need bed rest anymore, and just recommended to him to take it easy, specially considering he was now 37 weeks pregnant, and getting closer to giving birth, which he felt ready for.

Louis' parents had helped him with getting all of his things and the baby's things over to Harry's flat, and whatever he couldn't take to Harry's place due to space issues, they had taken to their own house for whenever Louis wanted them. His landlord had also been kind enough to allow Louis to finish his lease earlier, so now Louis never had to go back to that place again.

Before Chris came along, he had loved that flat, but now it was tainted with all the bad memories of being there with Chris, and that last day...

"I told my mum not to come over tomorrow" Louis announced as they had dinner together.

They were sitting at the table, and Harry's flatmate, Niall, was having dinner with them too.

"Noo" Niall said wide eyed.

"Why do you want my mum here?" Louis laughed.

"Because she cooks dinner for us, and the flat is always spotless when she leaves" Niall explained.

"Lou, are you sure you don't want her to come anymore?" Harry asked ignoring Niall's reasons "It will mean you will be alone for most of the day...".

"I know, but I need to do this" Louis said sincerely "I feel like the more time I wait, the harder it will be to be alone, so I'd rather do it now".

"If you're sure..." Harry considered.

"I am" Louis nodded, and then looked at Niall "And I can make dinner, so you don't have to worry about that".

"No, you need to rest" Niall told him.

"I'm allowed to be more active now, and it might help me go into labor" Louis explained.

"What happened with wanting to give birth on your due date?" Harry questioned.

"I rather it happened sooner now" Louis declared "Besides, we have everything ready for her, don't we?".

"Yes..." Harry considered.

They already had a crib set up next to Louis' side of the bed, and there was a dresser in the bedroom that exclusively had baby things and the top part was set up as a changing table.

"Is she gets here early you risk having a gemini baby, and you don't want that" Niall commented.

"What?" Louis laughed.

"Your due date is June 30th, which will make her a cancer, but if you go into labor before the 21st, then you'll have a Gemini baby and that's not a good thing" Niall explained.

"Why?" Louis questioned.

"I don't know, my girlfriend says that's the worst astrology sign" Niall considered "So just hold her in until next Wednesday and you'll be good".

"I'll try" Louis laughed again "So how come I've never met your girlfriend, Niall?".

"We've been having out more at her place lately" Niall shrugged.

"Not because I'm here right?" Louis asked feeling bad about it.

"Not because you're here, just to give you some space" Niall shrugged.

"Niall, no, this is your home, you shouldn't limit your time here for me" Louis was quick to say.

"Louis, it's fine, I promise, and my girlfriend lives alone so it makes more sense for us to be there" Niall told him, and then looked at Harry "I've actually been meaning to talk to you about it".

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