39. Will it always be like this?

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Chris was in jail right now, he had started his sentence the day he was convicted, and he wasn't going to be out until February.

They had found out the reason for the short sentence was that the jury had determined that Chris hadn't intended to kill or severely harm Louis or the baby, and because neither of them had long lasting injuries, it was only considered a minor assault, or something like that.

Louis had been livid, especially when the prosecution told them that they wouldn't be appealing, as they were happy with a conviction, even if it wasn't exactly the one they wanted.

For the next few days the trial and the result of it had been their main topic of conversation, and Louis hadn't brought up again the subject of moving their wedding... well until that day.

"If we get married in January, then-" Louis started saying during dinner a week after the trial ended.

"Wait, so you still want to move the wedding?" Harry interrupted.

"You don't want to anymore?" Louis frowned.

"I don't mind, baby, but if we want to do it we have to actually act on it" Harry pointed out "And we should start by telling your mum, she's organizing everything".

"You're right..." Louis agreed, and took out his phone "We can tell her together".

"No, baby" Harry shook his head "That's on you, it's your mum and you want to move the wedding, so you tell her".

"I'll put her on speaker" Louis declared leaving the phone on the table as it rang.

Harry made a gesture as if zipping his lips, and Louis glared at him.

"Hi, Lou, how are you, love?" Jay picked up.

"I'm great, just having dinner with Harry, you're on speaker actually so he can hear you".

"Oh, hi, Harry, how are you darling?" Jay asked.

"I'm well, thanks Jay" Harry said, because Louis had put him on the spot.

"So mummy, uhm... Harry and I were talking, and we want to move the wedding" Louis declared.

"Lou, we already booked the venue" Jay reminded him.

"I know, but the contract says we can cancel as long as it's 6 months before the date" Louis pointed out.

"It will still be a hassle, love, and I don't understand why you want to move it, we got lucky to get a June date, July is already fully booked, although maybe they have something at the end of August or beginning of September...".

"We don't want August or September, we want January" Louis said.

"Of 2025?" Jay asked surprised.

"No, January 2024" Louis corrected.

"That's in 3 months, Lou!".

"I know, mummy, but it's what we want" Louis said, and he sounded like a little boy.

Harry shook his head and had to stop himself from laughing, knowing Louis was only using that voice and calling his mum 'mummy' to get what he wanted.

"Why such a rush? Are you pregnant?" Jay questioned.

"No" Louis rolled his eyes.

"Then why?".

"We just want to be married soon" Louis said and looked at Harry "So could you help us plan the wedding for January? Please mummy? We can't do it on our own, we need you".

Jay sighed loudly.

"Do you really want to get married in the middle of winter?" Jay questioned.

"Yes" Louis declared.

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