7. We're both concerned

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Louis was away on his Italian holiday with Chris, and he had left Harry in change of watering his plants, which he didn't mind at all.

That Friday, he went to the flat with Mateo, as they were found to go to dinner afterwards at a place close by, and it was just a 5 minute stop.

"It's a nice place" Mateo said as they went inside.

"Yeah, it's pretty great" Harry agreed and went straight to the kitchen sink to fill the small watering can Louis used for his plants.

"And Chris lives here too?" Mateo questioned.

"Temporarily" Harry pointed out "At least that's what Louis says".

"Is this his daughter?" Mateo asked as he picked up a picture that was on a shelf.

"I think so" Harry replied as he saw the picture of a little girl that looked to be 4 or 5.

"Seems like he's quite settled here if he has a picture of his kid on a shelf" Mateo considered.

"Good point" Harry agreed.

"Also they're on holiday abroad together, that's kind of a big step" Mateo mentioned as he put back the picture of Chris' daughter.

"It is, but it's also a good way to test a relationship" Harry considered as he started watering the plants "At least it was for my last boyfriend and I, after a 4 day trip together we knew we were incompatible, and we decided to leave it at that".

"Oh wow" Mateo said "But I guess that won't happen to Louis and Chris if they already live together".

"True" Harry agree "But dreaming is free, isn't it?".

"You really want them to breakup?" Mateo wondered.

"I just think that Chris isn't right for Louis, he deserves better" Harry declared.

"Louis' a lot nicer that's for sure" Mateo said "Hey, can I ask you something?".


"Has anything ever happened between you and Louis?" Mateo wondered.

"No, we're just friends" Harry said truthfully.

"Being friends isn't an impediment for something to happen, I've done stuff with friends and they keep being my friends afterwards" Mateo considered.

"Sure, but in this case nothing has happened" Harry insisted.

"Okay" Mateo accepted.

"So have you done stuff with any of your friends lately?" Harry asked.

"I haven't done stuff with anyone since I started doing stuff with you" Mateo replied, and smiled.

"Same here" Harry replied "Does this mean we're exclusive?".

"Not necessarily, but I wouldn't mind being exclusive" Mateo shrugged.

"I wouldn't mind either" Harry replied "Actually, it's what I want, I don't want to share you with anyone".

Mateo walked up to him and he loosely wrapped his arms around Harry's neck.

"No sharing then" Mateo declared, and then smirked "Just you and me".

"I like how that sounds" Harry smiled, and kissed Mateo's lips.

Mateo kissed him back passionately, and his left arm let go of Harry's neck, and it slowly found his way down Harry's pants.

"We can't here" Harry was quick to say as he broke the kiss.

"No one will know" Mateo told him.

"Louis will, he has cameras" Harry explained.

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